Looking to buy a spring compressor

I have lots of parallel wood clamps and in fact wondered whether they might be a solution. Do you have a link to something I could look at ?

I also wondered whether a Hi-lift Jack could be used somehow. I will say, I am scared sh**less of the springs and so would definitely choose to err on the “What is safe” side of the spectrum. I was less scared of the dirt bike springs then I am now of the bike springs, just because it’s pretty clear the latter are under a lot of tension. I do know the dirt bike spring could seriously injure too.
No links. Just looked at the picture you posted. Ratchet straps around the wood clamps to keep the shock/spring contained if something slipped.
If you've removed the shock and want to bring it by Mississauga, we can try my strut spring compressor which works great for my cars. Never tried a bike shock in there, but if you want I can dig one out and test it.

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Thank you @Relax! That is very generous of you !

I wanted to remove the spring so that I could repair or replace a dust seal … I ended up just using electrical tape in situ and then decided to tape the seal to the main shaft under the spring. Not sure if that was a good idea in retrospect, or whether the shaft will move relative to the seal.

Anyways the shock is back in the bike - with snow falling at my cottage now, I decided I needed to get it off the jack pronto.

I work near the airport so I might be paying you a visit next spring though !
No links. Just looked at the picture you posted. Ratchet straps around the wood clamps to keep the shock/spring contained if something slipped.
Sounds like more on the “what I have” end of your spectrum, LOL ? My first thought was that the it would be hard to turn the handle on the Besseys I have enough to compress the springs. Also wasn’t sure how to get the jaws to grab the spring, the jaws are pretty big.

Edit: just looked up bearing splitters, they weren’t what I imagined. They do look like they could be part of a solution. Trying to figure out if I can make it work and sneak yet another Amazon delivery of blow molded stuff past my wife.
Thank you @GreyGhost , I didn’t know what a bearing splitter was. Watching a video, it seems there’s similarities between the splitter design and the way the Motion Pro spring compressor works. I wonder…
Here's a pic of my homemade compressor. This could easily be fabricated w/o welding. The hooks could have another bend and a hole and be held on with nuts. The locating ring could be bolted on with "L" brackets. I've used it on bike shocks . My buddy borrowed it for his sled shock. IMG_0102.jpg
@timtune Could you elaborate as to how the hooks would be fabricated and attached without welding, and the cylinder in the Center ?

I am sure you are right but I seem to lack the requisite vision or imagination.
Right now the hooks are "J" shaped. Combine a J with an upside down L . Drill a hole in the short side of the L. Slip it over the threaded rod and use a nut to hold it.
For the ring use an "L" bracket. Drill and bolt one side to the bottom plate and the other to the side of the ring. At least 2. 3 likely better.

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