Looking for store with Women's leather riding jackets - Large sizes or custom | Page 2 | GTAMotorcycle.com

Looking for store with Women's leather riding jackets - Large sizes or custom

Not everyone is ATGATT.

Act all high and mighty and judgy and passive aggressive if it makes you feel special, but how about you do everyone a favour and keep it to yourself.

Honda VT1300CT Interstate Black&Blue

Well, at the end of the day you're the one responsible for your passenger. Good luck with your search.
That's right. I am. Thank you for your concern.

Good luck not failing and dumping your bike at 40kph and still managing to break your arm despite all of your "armour"....again.

Honda VT1300CT Interstate Black&Blue

You do realize that such fall as mine would have been much worse? Oh wait, by your immature response, you definitely won't. Keep riding in danier chaps. Why didn't you ask your question on leather fashion forum then?
You do realize that such fall as mine would have been much worse? Oh wait, by your immature response, you definitely won't. Keep riding in danier chaps. Why didn't you ask your question on leather fashion forum then?

Everyone makes their own choices here. You made the choice to passive-aggressively bring up an argument that everyone here has had and seen 1000 times instead of keeping it to yourself and moving on, and you have the nerve to call *my* comment immature? I'm not some kid.

Don't project your own fears of falling onto others who don't share them.

Honda VT1300CT Interstate Black&Blue

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