Looking for someone to redo a seat..


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I have a seat that I need to be reshaped. Who is doing that these days? Any recommendations? A long time ago when I needed something like this done, I went to a couple different upholstery shops.

They didn't seem to understand the particular needs of a riders azz comfort .
Reach out to George. He's a great guy. He makes aftermarket seats but also does what you are looking for.

I’ve used a guy in Whitby or Oshawa that a sales guy at GP pointed me to. His handle is “Chicago brick” on LinkedIn. I think that was the only way I was able to connect with him. No website I was able to find.

He worked out of his garage. I was able to see him the day I called and have the work done (shaving a dirt bike seat for my kid) while I waited.
Chicago Mike, I think. I wasn't sure if he was still around. I'm not on linked in, or fb, or insta or anything so a phone call will suffice
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