Looking for people to ride with april 24 2014 toronto area

I'm not slow but I don't rip it that much
I depends on the slowest or least comfortable rider if I'm riding with 250 ' s my pace is diff from if I'm not (the ride back from gp with sinz was way diff from the ride out to gp for example)
So yes I can be 250 friendly in answer to the other question
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My main rule of thumb is my bike better be drinking more gas then I drink coffee (I don't mind sitting for a bit every while to relax etc but I'm out to ride)
My main rule of thumb is my bike better be drinking more gas then I drink coffee (I don't mind sitting for a bit every while to relax etc but I'm out to ride)

I'm all for burning at least a tank of gas per trip lol I just meant i'm not a big fan of going 200kmh on the hwys. Not judging those who do, just don't wanna hold other people back cuz I like to take my time when I'm riding.
You ride with what you are comfortable & we will be right there with you!
You ride with what you are comfortable & we will be right there with you!
exactly we will modify so every one is running together and enjoying the day night whatever
I like riding upside down, can you guys handle that?.... lol

I'm going to GP bikes today, gunna take the scenic route methinks. Anyone wanna come along? I'll stop in the east end and pick you guys up.
Na I'm out for this weekend I ha e my kids over
anyone out for a ride today? ill be out for a bit. if you see a yellow fz6r, that might be me lol
I'm at gp and about to head north east tonight I'll be closer to toronto but still riding
Can't do it today boys, it's the girlfriends birthday so I gotta spend the day with her!
I'm back in the area and staying out for awhile I think
Text me if you want 4one6 8two7 5453
Sinz tomorrow aft into the eve end at borito boyz?
Just saw this now. Went home around 730 since I have work tonight. Ill pm you my number so you can let me know if you wanna go for a ride, although it looks like we have rain all week.
Sorry guys but I am working every day until Sat. 7pm - 3am
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