I have box seats for the supercross!! Booyah! ! As for the OP.....get a group of guys all on sportbike and it IS a pissing contest. When I was a nOOb, I went on a couple of group rides and hated it. There was to much going on and I felt like my attention wasn't focused enough on me. Over the years, I have tried doing the group ride thing and there always seems to be someone who messes up.
Now, I just ride with 2 people at a time at the most. And these are people that I have ridden with now for years. I still prefer riding solo. I actually really enjoy riding with nOObs. I'm glad they have decided to ride a bike and I like to encourage them evey way I can. One ride stands out in my mind....friend nOOb was on a CBR 125....I was on my hayabusa.....5 hours later, I don't think I got out of 2nd gear all day....but we had a great time and he rode away with a super positive experience.
One of my last rides last year, there was a group of riders on the 507. And one chick in the waaaaaay far back who was slow and pokey. I think I passed her twice going up and down...lol. BUT.....she was riding within her limits and didn't give a hoot what other people thought. The group was waiting for her at the bottom. Sadly, and this may be politically incorrect, but guys are nev. ...very rarely like that. Too much ego.
If you choose to do group rides, eventually you will find the one or two who mesh with you and your riding style, and bingo, riding partners who you can trust, for the most part. But it takes a while to get to that point. And don't take riding advice from "the fast guy".....lol