Try grant, tell him Jordan referred you.
Grant Redfern at Allstate
416 231 5641 x5011
27 years old
2009 Honda CBR600RR
Location: Kitchener
State Farm:Bike only with them and full coverage at $114/month ('08 was $113/month)
Grant hooked me up as well, really good guy
Thats pretty good, State Farm wanted $2500/yr for one of my bikes.
So I went with TD
41 years old
2012 CBR1000RR
2008 CBR1000RR
TD both bikes full coverage $3500/yr....
Intact gave me a great quote on the 12 but wouldn't touch the 2008, they told me the 2008 was a restricted
bike. Which is kind of silly considering they are both the same bikes only one is newer and has abs...
Yes i live off Ottawa St. Near Sunrise Walmart. I used to see some sport bikes at Tim Hortons
on Fisher Halman and Ottawa but they weren't to friendly lol
I haven't seen any around there lately tho.... Do you live in same area?
Yes one is black/silver, the other is white/red/blue...we stopped there once. The night we did there was maybe 6 or 7 sport bikes and a girl riding a CBR 250. I don't think your bike was there or at least I didn't notice a 600RR, not even sure if it's the same people you ride with. Anyway they were not to friendly. We tried talking to a couple of them and they pretty much looked at us like what the hell do you want lol. My girlfriend just started riding last year and still rides pretty slow and she doesn't like riding alone so I mostly ride with her but it does get boring sometimes for me putting around behind her. I don't push her if she's happy riding slow so be it. So anyway when she seen the girl at Tim's on the 250 the night we went in she asked her if she was maybe interested in riding with her sometime and the 250 girl basically told her to F off that she only rides with the people she was there with and walked away. We usually stop at the Tim's on Ottawa st. Near weber but there's hardly any sport bikes there this year. If I see your bike there I'll stop by I know now there's at least one friendly rider there lol. What color is your bike?
Try grant, tell him Jordan referred you.
Grant Redfern at Allstate
416 231 5641 x5011
FYI - Allstate had a "pilot" program earlier this year where they would be allowed to write only a Sports bike. I got in at that time. They have now cancelled this program. For any other bike outside of sports bikes, they will do a stand alone policy. For sports bikes, you must have car/house or both.
This came from my agent, Grant Redfern.
Oh no, I wonder if that means they won't renew my policy next year? Crap.