Looking for Fast Riders

So guys I know its pretty ****** out right now but Sunday looks ok 10-12c,with all the rain this morn and tomm hopefully roads should be reasonably clean.So Ramon its your thread post up the time that works for you and hopefully send the meetup spot by PM.Spring will be sprung next week 17 tuesday
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James p who has the fibreglass racing bodywork company named squid skins. We got the#1 plate at the final race at grand bend in sept(2011? I think it was). I have pics but no idea how to resize them and post from my phone. I'm sure someone here can point you in the right direction.

Turns out it's "expert open" aka "pro open" class.
looks like the weather will be rainy and cold this weekend. If anyone else is interested in these rides when the weather is better, send me a PM.
No. Pro senior superbike season champion #1 plate, not just an endurance race. I've probably got the class name wrong. We had the number one plate in our class but in 2012 we had to run the #8 on the bike because rupert or bevan had the #1 in the premier class and they are on the track at the same time as our class (? Sorry,don't remember exactly how SOAR works this, one of the soar guys can clarify)

I think it was Scott. Top rookie amateur pro whatever gets number 1 plate for following season I believe.
Lol, what a long thread..

Just dropping in to say that the only times I miss having a street bike is when I see a thread like this and I remember the rides with the Assassin and later Ramon I've been to. It's interesting to note that nobody ever crashed or got hurt on these rides, as opposed to other rides I've been to where people were dropping like apples. Ramon's thread title is very much truthful---he's looking for fast riders and he means it. He's a great guy, but if you get on his rides, you do better be fast and have ballz. I think last summer Ramon on his first track day at TMP---he ran in red and passing everyone on his beat up gixxer 1000 he just got with no fairings (at the time), old tires and probably no time to even tune the suspension.. Assassin---nothing to say about him that isn't known---a guy with long years of experience, really, don't try to keep up with him, don't worry, he'll wait for ur slow *** at the next major route milestone...really---we'd be doing 220-250 down to Niagara, we see him by the side of the road pointing at some gravel warning us....we pass by leaving him miles behind, next thing you know----he's again waiting for you pointing at road hazards---if you ask me, he's more of a real magician than an assassin :)

Anyway, these rides are definitely not for everybody. It all comes down to personal choice. Like Carboncat, I also decided to do track only for now, maybe I got scared from the road, maybe the risk was not acceptable for me anymore with kids and all...but in all fairness, riding on the street is dangerous no matter how fast or slow you do it, whether you'd be doing 250 down the back roads or riding downtown Toronto/Hamilton with the speed limit and vans full of kids driven by distracted moms turning in front of you...
well well well Mr Corsara, how you doing? The voice of reason chimes in,you are a wise man and couldn't have described the assassin's rides and ramons character any better.You are right maybe the assassin is a magician.As far as Ramon right again.He is just looking for fast riding partners ,first time I met him we did some back routes in my area then hit the Hamilton area and man he was fast and that's a pretty funny one about him at the track but it doesn't surprise me,the kid has talent and is the assassins prodigy LOL.

You don't usually see the faster and more experienced riders trashing threads that post a relaxed or slower rides.Except for maybe one posting last year if I remember correctly when the poster stated no speeding or stunting or he would call the cops himself and he got slammed.

So choose your ride it is that simple...fast or slow and if the ride is not to your liking bail baby bail
What we all need is some sun and warmth to get out there instead of in here
BTW Corsara if you ever want go for a run on the streets let me know I'll lend you gnarley Nelly
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BTW Corsara if you ever want go for a run on the streets let me know I'll lend you gnarley Nelly

Haha, well, the only street rides that could excite me are the Assassin/Ramon rides. I think my bike with race fairings is just fine for those, ain't it ;) Joke aside (joke?!), I have couple of friends around my house whose bikes I can readily borrow, but not really planning to ride on the street this summer.. unless I buy a supermoto or an MX with lights, haven't made any concrete decisions yet...all pending successful war with the wife about that, and we haven't even had the first battle yet -_-

Hey which tracks are riding this season corsara? Any sessions booked at TMP yet?

I'm missing a damn nut to complete my 05 gsxr 1000 slipper clutch installation, once that little single tiny damn nut comes in, I'll be good to go. Hopefully May 2nd at TMP, then most sessions during the summer at TMP to master my skills before I move onto more serious tracks next summer. One track at a time! :) Maybe a couple of trackdays at Grand Bend just to explore and see how it is, it's close enough to Hamilton.
Are you doing any of those evening sessions for $60 at TMP? I wouldn't mind doing one of those soon, to brush up riding skills for the season...
If you go to grand bend, I'll land at their airport/track and come watch for a few hours!
Are you doing any of those evening sessions for $60 at TMP? I wouldn't mind doing one of those soon, to brush up riding skills for the season...
If you go to grand bend, I'll land at their airport/track and come watch for a few hours!

On a hunch, I predict they'll be cancelling those evening sessions like they did last year. Or maybe not---they have this new thing about 1pm-9pm sessions, those seem nice. Although my time is much more flexible this year (changed jobs and I work in Hamilton with very flexible work hours, no more commute to Tor), I might be able to do all Thursdays days and also weekends, we're yet to see. Whenever you decide to go, text me, chance is i'm going too
Nice, that's way better than bussing to Toronto everyday. I'll be doing the shannonville long track for $120 for sure. You up for that one?
Nice, that's way better than bussing to Toronto everyday. I'll be doing the shannonville long track for $120 for sure. You up for that one?

I don't see why not :) When is it? Does it need pre-registration? I have to do at least one at TMP before that for test'n'tune, I changed a lot of things on the bike this winter and want to make sure everything is in order on familiar grounds.

Edit: Shannonville is like 3h away, oh boy...maybe we should combine and go with one trailer then, and it's not gonna be mine (barely fits one bike, lol)
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Sure. Check the dates on the riders choice site. There's a few this year. I won't book until the summer anyway.
After 7:30 the light gets kinda dodgy...

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