Looking for Fast Riders

If and when you do show let everyone know who you are don't pull a Pegasus (I see many similarities).Don't come on your Panhead or shovel chop or your horsies LOL

Hey maybe you can spend some of your hard earned dollars and pay the government of Ontario off to close the dvp down and race from don valley -lakeshore to 401

man you love talking about money. Is your wife complaining you don't make enough? Or has she left already?
C'mon don't stop now,i just through a coulpe more Stellas on ice,I had the pleasure of going on one of the Lad's rides last season,have to say the most fun i had in 6yrs(besides the track)
-as they say -----put up or shut up !!!!
G note on the Assassin !!!

Now there's another happy customer
Last time I went on assassins ride I had to wait up 3 times before getting bored and doing my own thing.
man you love talking about money. Is your wife complaining you don't make enough? Or has she left already?

I'm not the one flaunting my money IE: I want to buy a new bike give me ideas C'mon buddy look... like.... buy .... simple
:I want to give money to charity any ideas C'mon find your cause.... and donate.... simple
real people like to give anonomalously.People with good intentions anyway not show offs like yourself
I'm not the one flaunting my money IE: I want to buy a new bike give me ideas C'mon buddy look... like.... buy .... simple
:I want to give money to charity any ideas C'mon find your cause.... and donate.... simple
real people like to give anomalously.People with good intentions anyway not show offs like yourself

actually I asked has anyone seen a cool bike for sale to get the conversation going i didnt ask at all what bike to buy dummy and I wanted to donate to people who I could affect directly not just a large organization. And I helped a lot of people who would never have access to charity or a helping hand. So did i get attention from it,yeah,but I didn't use my real name even on the donations to people's rides or whatever so where did i show off??
anonymously giving on a motorcycle site, damn I'm really dying to Get my name out there and show off!!
maybe you want to tell the bloggers and posters in here who document their trips that they are bragging and flaunting their money before you jump on me for handing money out and not going on about every trip I take.
you didn't answer the question, wife disappointed in you or she left already?
His wife saw that he couldn't keep up on assassins ride and left him :(
Last time I went on assassins ride I had to wait up 3 times before getting bored and doing my own thing.

Thats funny I have been on every single one of assassins rides and always up front and never ever has anyone ever gone past him and when you got bored what did you do hit the qew at 500km C'mon get real,oh you are earning your free lunch
Thats funny I have been on every single one of assassins rides and always up front and never ever has anyone ever gone past him and when you got bored what did you do hit the qew at 500km C'mon get real,oh you are earning your free lunch

nah he's gotta pay cause he insulted me in other threads
Thats funny I have been on every single one of assassins rides and always up front and never ever has anyone ever gone past him and when you got bored what did you do hit the qew at 500km C'mon get real,oh you are earning your free lunch

so you got dumped?tell uncle sonny all about it
Thats funny I have been on every single one of assassins rides and always up front and never ever has anyone ever gone past him and when you got bored what did you do hit the qew at 500km C'mon get real,oh you are earning your free lunch

I offended his thousand year old profession, I don't get free lunch.
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