Looking Americade tips .


Well-known member
Looking at going to Americade next year for 4 days . I`m thinking 1 day up 2 days there and one day back .

Where are good places to stay ?

Are there deals on aftermarket accessories ?
Dozens and dozens of places to stay in and around the Lake George area - some in town and many on 9N between LG and Bolton Landing. Book now for next year for sure. You can make it there from the GTA in one day, as long as you are good with slabbing it for 2/3 of a day. I prefer the I90 to the 401, but I live closer to Hamilton so it makes sense. If you are in the east end, crossing at Gananoque is likely quicker. It’s been a few years since I was last there, but the marketplace had some decent deals on gear...a few accessories places were there like Kuryakyn, and maybe Twisted Throttle. It’s more about the crowds and the great roads, tbh. Enjoy!

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Check the motel prices before you make plans. I went in 2017 and paid $88 for a night. Same motel was charging over $200 this year so I decided not to go. Many people pay it though so they keep charging ridiculous rates. Better book now if you're going. Lots of places have already sold out.
Its been a few years since I’ve been there but from what I can remember…
Hotels…crazy expensive on the wkd but quite reasonable Mon to Thurs.
There are quite a few places to stay that are reasonable 30 to 45 mins away.
Vendors…they had a vendor area you had to pay to get in…like $20 and I think it was good for the week.
Kinda like a cover charge to go shopping at Walmart.
The year I went Kuryakyn pulled out of supporting Americade.
This was a big deal as they were a major sponsor.
There was also a free vendor area out at the fairgrounds that quite a few people went out to.
There are lots of great places to eat and the riding in the area is wonderful but its June so watch out for frost heave.
Rain gear…your gonna need it.
For whatever reason, it loves to rain during Americade.
There's guided tours….but you have to pay….really?
You have to pay to park downtown…$20 for the week…really?
I felt like everywhere I went I was reaching for my wallet lol.
Been twice. First time we camped, second time, hotel. Book now. It's an easy day's ride.

Also decide if you want to actually buy a pass for the rally. We did a couple years ago, it got us free admission to the Tourexpo as well as a dinner on one of the boats on Lake George which was a lot of fun, plus a few other events. And I think you need a wristband to do demo rides.
Been twice. First time we camped, second time, hotel. Book now. It's an easy day's ride.

Also decide if you want to actually buy a pass for the rally. We did a couple years ago, it got us free admission to the Tourexpo as well as a dinner on one of the boats on Lake George which was a lot of fun, plus a few other events. And I think you need a wristband to do demo rides.

Yes - get the wristband, it was worth it. The demo rides alone - although I hear they aren't doing them at Roaring Brook Ranch any more - that's a shame. Guided tours are a rip off and very frustrating unless you want to ride at a slow pace.
And yes, it will rain at some point. In the 10 years that I went, we had 1 year with no rain. Several with rain every day. It's the ADK mountains in June.
I think it's to be expected.

Again - the last time I went was around 2011 (went for 10 years straight up until then).

Went last year, camped at Adirondack Village Campground and enjoyed it. Checked out the the show for half a day and spent the rest of the time riding the area which is great out toward Lake Placid etc...

Pretty sure we left on a Thursday and came back Sunday.
Leave yourself time to tour thru the Green mountains.
Plenty of campsites around the Lake George area. I went off season and haggled for a motel room and got a great price. No way can you do that during Americade. Lake George is a great town. Nowhere near as stuck up as Lake Placid. Brodozers ploughing up and down the main street with confederate flags when I was there a few years ago....a bit redneck in places. Great riding roads nearby.
My suggestion? Go outside of Americade itself. I went last year, and was frankly underwhelmed with Americade itself. The roads however were great, but much like Sturgis, full of other people on bikes, some of questionable skill levels.

Next year I'm thinking about going back down there for a few days, but it'll be well outside Americade itself- less cluttered roads, less packed venues, and cheaper accommodations.
Thanks for the input .
Also...Americade is so big that you can still get merch etc at anytime. I got a T shirt etc while I was there. Stayed at the Montreal Motel at the edge of town....it was...interesting but about the same as a campsite after haggling for a cash rate. Nice people...I was at the motel for 5 mins and got invited to a party.
My suggestion? Go outside of Americade itself. I went last year, and was frankly underwhelmed with Americade itself. The roads however were great, but much like Sturgis, full of other people on bikes, some of questionable skill levels.

Next year I'm thinking about going back down there for a few days, but it'll be well outside Americade itself- less cluttered roads, less packed venues, and cheaper accommodations.

I would second this.
The reason we stopped going was that it was getting too expensive and way too crowded.
Two years ago, we went down and rented an AirBnB in Bolton Landing in September and we had the roads to ourselves.

And definitely hit up the Green Mountains in Vermont when you are there.

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