Lookin for a lil downtown crew

I work until 7 but can meet after. The later the better. More fun when there is less cars on the road.
I'm down for coffee and riding. But I can't stay out late I have work at 6 wednesday morning. I don't need to be anymore of a zombie there than I am usually. I prefer to meet at Hardrock for 530-6 initially and go from there. Wait for others, go to other meeting spots etc. Can meet where they do the Can-Am demo rides or at the princes gates, or town moto like RC8 said.
I'm also good for Tuesday anytime after 3pm but I agree rush hour traffic downtown (4-7pm) is pretty brutal to ride in. That being said, I would definitely like to ride in as much remaining daylight as possible! Town Moto works well for me as I live super closeby but I'm not super picky. I ride a monster 696 just like RC8.
I am always in downtown Toronto, I work nearby Town Moto and know the people there.
If anyone want to ride today, I am down as I ride to work all the time (even rain ;)
We'll have to see what the weather does, like I said, I can't stay out late, but I'm down to meet up at some point. Knowing me I'll cruise by 530-6pm, you can't miss my bike if your there.. if no one is around, ill come back later maybe.. see what happens.
Hard rock at 8 weather pending. I usually ride in the rain but never downtown. If it doesnt work tomorrow im free sunday after my soccer game and next week.

Also if anyone is super good with the area, please volunteer to lead. Its my first ever group ride so i dont feel comfortable leading.
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Doesn't look like I'll be making it out tonight. I'll be lucky if I'm back up and running at any point quickly. :| Had an issue this morning- need to diagnose and repair after work.
If anyone just so happens to live in vaughan, let me know we can ride there together tonight. Ill leave at 6:50
Im at elizaeth st and foster pl if anyone wants to meet here as an alternative. Off of dundas st west
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