Waiting for YZFoxxy and red695 to join the party.
you rang? lol
wait a minute... this isn't RR or TT... where the **** am i?

Waiting for YZFoxxy and red695 to join the party.
Wholy batman, what's with all the useless posts up in this house?
....oh hello there, you always on top of me foxxy
lol funny in the pic you posted that helmet didn't look like a XXXL, how do you fit your massively unjustifed ego in there?
is your chest sore from beating on it lke a gorilla yet?
AIRBRUSH YOU SAY.... well will you help me raise money for this? lol.. or maybe pay for it?
To the OP: nice job on the lid...but more importantly, where did you get your bed sheet set? I love the colour!!!
My buddy would probably do it for you fairly cheap
So i got a little creative.. and seeing as my bike, jacket, helmet and gloves are all black i'd been wanting to be a little more visible.. sooo... 20 dollars, exacto knife, a cutting board and a steel ruler (thank you interior design i spent over$6000 on supplies and never pursued that career...) oh ya and a quick trip to canadian tire to buy "ROCKER STYLZ" and TA DA!!!
My buddy would probably do it for you fairly cheap
how many dollars?
Hey there, I like what you did with the helmet. I worry about being seen in my all black gear too.
Welcome to the pistol whipping you get on here for being female and outspoken. Maybe someone will be kind enough to send you the list of rules for female postersor just be thick skinned.
Dont worry Charlene,
When we go riding ill give you " infernos list of motorcycle forum etiquette for ladies"
i'll take thick skinned... didn't know we had such a sensitive crowd..