Loneliest highway


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Looks like a scene out of a bad horror movie
Looks like a scene out of a bad horror movie

For sure, the haziness and lack of humans in the shot is pretty interesting. I would hate to run out of gas in this town
You are soooo gonna get raped there.......
if you drag the street view to the main street, it looks 10x better. at least you see pics.
The Google van guy must've crapped his pants!

I'm surprised they didn't scrap the google van and leave the frame. Wait....maybe thats the 10th google van
It looks safe enough for a pretty 16 y old schoolgirl to walk there with a short skirt.

Reminds me of this.

Hahahahaha, I was going to say exactly that. I thought it was just hollywood, but there are places like that that exist for real. I guess its just art imitating reality
If you've always lived in a major urban centre such as Toronto the good it looks third worldish to see trailer parks without hearing banjos in your mind.

Be careful that you don't stereotype as I am following a thread on another forum where a trucker living in such circumstances writes of his wife's losing battle with cancer. His eloquence brings tears to my eyes.
If you've always lived in a major urban centre such as Toronto the good it looks third worldish to see trailer parks without hearing banjos in your mind.

Be careful that you don't stereotype as I am following a thread on another forum where a trucker living in such circumstances writes of his wife's losing battle with cancer. His eloquence brings tears to my eyes.

I don't mean to bring it in such a negative way. But I can't help the fact that the hair behind my neck stood up when I saw that.

I am sure there are some warm and loving ppl living there
I looked at that highway actually, and damn... if you want to stick to one highway across the US, and only cross three major cities, then that's your road.

It looks cool. I need about a month's extra holidays, and a spare gas can....
Cooper's Falls has looked a little like that picture.
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