loading ramp for pick up truck

I watched a friend try to load his motorcycle onto his trailer once and accidentally put it into the trunk of his car, sadly no instructional video of that one.
We used to jump our dirt bikes into the back of buddie's pickup.
... til somebody put their front wheel through the back window of their pickup.
... somehow it was my fault.
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I have absolutely no problem with a simple one track folding ramp.....

I would never ride it up, walk beside it and push it up from the handlebars, put a step beside the ramp to step onto for the transition from the ground to the truck tailgate, since the handlebars become too high to hold.

Someone pushing from the back makes it 100x easier for bikes over 400lbs or so

Not exactly hard at all.

+1 I never ride it up but I don't have to push, I have the bike running and let the bike pull itself up in gear using the clutch to control the speed at which it pulls itself up into the truck. My truck is a little higher then most stock trucks so I need a little step I bought from home depot to step up onto the tail gate. Very easy once you get confidence handling the bike on your own, in the beginning its a good idea to have someone there to help, but after a few try's you should be good to go on your own. And its a very good idea (especially if your using the bikes engine in gear) to strap the ramp to the bumper or hitch of the truck, so that it does not slip out on you on the way up or down.

As for the ramp, I find all the aluminum folding ramps are pretty much the same quality for around $120, the longer the ramp the easier it will be as the angle is not as steep the longer the ramp gets. Im ok with the standard 84"-90" ramps thou
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