Live Stream-Police Shooting - This one has certainly sparked retaliation already

But the stats do not address the fact that most visible minorities are backed into a corner... obey the law vs survive; you live with that choice.

The fact that they commit more crime speaks to the **** lives they endure in many parts of America. You can act like that isn't important, but you're an island of one... well maybe three or four around here.

They also get pulled up way easier than us (I assume you're white) ... but I'm sure that does nothing to inflate the stats in your mind :rolleyes:

That's disingenuous. The overwhelming majority of black people are contributing members of society. Just because you're a visible minority doesn't mean you're disadvantaged.
Take the stats and throw them all out the window. Every cop on citizen shooting should be taken on a case by case basis. Doesn't matter colour of the cop or the citizen. Question: Did that citizen need be shot or was there another option? It's pretty simple, we're talking death by authorities here.
Shootings should be investigated?? That's revolutionary!
What's revolutionary is people being upset at cops killing people. Somebody should start a thread on that because lively discussion.
Is it possible or plausible that black people by nature and nurture (and torture ((slavery)) are more violent? Yes. How do you change that? Only evolution or de-evolution will. Civil War is brewing in the US and it has to happen. Let the outcome lay where it may. Life in the hood:
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That would be a strike in 5 Pin.

Define the "crime".
If you are black, you go to jail for minor marijuana possession (a joint or 2), if you are white you are let off.
If you are black, you go to jail for 1 gram of crack cocaine yet if you are white you go to treatment or released for regular cocaine.
Look at the incarceration rates.

You also have to remember that slavery kinda 'officially' ended in the 50-60's (passing of Civil Rights Act) but it did not really end.
You have to wait for those generations to die off.

You also have institutional racism, if you are black you do not get a bank loan for a business or to increase your business.
Ever wonder why is it in black neighborhoods it's the Korean's that own the corner store?

When you create a vacuum while applying pressure all the time then what do you think is going to happen?
But then again, that is what they want to happen...I think they said the prison industrial complex is the #2 money maker in the US after the military industrial complex.

Prison is the new form of slavery. Work for cheap or free, making other people rich.

The black guy that killed all the cops in Dallas is a former military guy that from what I understand received military awards etc...
One can say he snapped but in the end you reap what you sow.

I can see by a lot of the comments that some of you have no clue what you are talking about, but that's okay, in a way it's good to see your odd ignorance.
The black guy that killed all the cops in Dallas is a former military guy that from what I understand received military awards etc...
One can say he snapped but in the end you reap what you sow.

Awards? He was sent home from Afghanistan early and recommended for dishonorable discharge as a result of his conduct in theatre. This guy was just another Timothy McVeigh. The motivation may have been different but the malignancy of perpetrator no different at all.

Investigators were digging into Johnson’s military history and are seeking to corroborate reports that he was sent home from Afghanistan after a woman lodged a complaint of sexual harassment against him in 2014, another federal law enforcement official said.

Bradford Glendening, the lawyer who represented Johnson, told the Associated Press that the military recommended an “other than honorable discharge,” adding, “In his case, it was apparently so egregious, it was not just the act itself.… I’m sure that this guy was the black sheep of his unit.”

According to a court filing Glendening read to the AP, the victim said she wanted Johnson to “receive mental help” and sought a protective order to keep him away from her and her family. Johnson was ordered to avoid all contact with her, Glendening said.
Awards? He was sent home from Afghanistan early and recommended for dishonorable discharge as a result of his conduct in theatre. This guy was just another Timothy McVeigh. The motivation may have been different but the malignancy of perpetrator no different at all.
Investigators were digging into Johnson’s military history and are seeking to corroborate reports that he was sent home from Afghanistan after a woman lodged a complaint of sexual harassment against him in 2014, another federal law enforcement official said.

Bradford Glendening, the lawyer who represented Johnson, told the Associated Press that the military recommended an “other than honorable discharge,” adding, “In his case, it was apparently so egregious, it was not just the act itself.… I’m sure that this guy was the black sheep of his unit.”

According to a court filing Glendening read to the AP, the victim said she wanted Johnson to “receive mental help” and sought a protective order to keep him away from her and her family. Johnson was ordered to avoid all contact with her, Glendening said.

And did they provide the mental help or just let him roam free?
And did they provide the mental help or just let him roam free?

It's America and Americans have the greatest extent of individual rights in the world, often to the detriment of societal rights. That means that short of court order, anyone can refuse all manner of "help". Do you think that this guy thought he had a mental problem?
This is just the tip of the iceberg. My evolving world view is that everybody thinks other people are nothing at best or just plain dirt. The cracks are really starting to show among those in a position of authority. Whether they're gunning you down, overcharging you for minor offences or misusing public funds and trust and etc. It's all the same ****, different pile. You can knock religion all you want, I know I do, but to a large degree it kept people operating with a moral code which is now seen as anti-winning in life. I am truly surprised more "officials" aren't seriously maimed by a fed up public. An example is what the divorce industry has done to men. That's law makers and judges right there ruining lives. All over the road rant but like I said, same **** different pile. We better get our collective heads out of our *****. How about starting with a bit of personal responsibility? That would solve half the problem.

Very well said
That's disingenuous.The overwhelming majority of black people are contributing members of society. Just because you're a visible minority doesn't mean you're disadvantaged.

Not at all. These things are not going down in nice neighbourhoods; the majority take place in low income neighbourhoods, where the people generally live below the poverty line. Guess who make up the majority of the demographic in low income areas....

The US Census declared that in 2014 14.8% of the general population lived in poverty
12.0% of all Asian persons
23.6% of all Hispanic persons (of any race)
26.2% of all African American persons

You raise your kid with that and let us know how it turns out... To suggest that people living in these conditions (primarily minorities) have as fair a shot as you or any other average joe white american is the truly disingenuous statement
They can't possibly have it harder than refugees and immigrants from third world countries... and those folks do alright.
They can't possibly have it harder than refugees and immigrants from third world countries... and those folks do alright.

I think there's a difference between refugees and immigrants, in general terms.
You know... if black people really wanted to sell us on the idea that black lives matter, they might try not killing each-other in record numbers first. It's kind of hard to take the BLM thing seriously when the people responsible for killing most African-Americans are, *gasp*, other African-Americans. It really should be an introspective movement, but its easier to blame others for your hardships. Especially with 'leaders' like Sharpton and Jackson at the helm - rich, opportunistic racists. And when prominent members of the black community DO speak out about this issue (Cosby, Barkley, etc) they're lambasted by their own ilk. What a joke.

Oh and the cherry on top... 40 percent of cop-killers in the US are blacks, while they comprise about 12% of total population. They're more likely to kill cops than be killed by them.
The people responsible for killing most whites are other whites.

You may need to re-consider your argument there.

The people responsible for killing most latinos are... other latinos.
The people responsible for killing most poor are... other poor.
The people responsible for killing most rich people are... other rich people.
The people responsible for killing most Christians are... other Christians.
The people responsible for killing most Muslims are... other Muslims.
The people responsible for killing most men are... other men.

It's a question of the company we keep, that's all. With one exception. The people responsible for killing most women are... men.

Nobody seems to be particularly bothered by that. If you are, I suggest reading this -
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