Looks good to me. Quality is nice, frame rate could be a bit better.Still live?
Yep. Looks just like I remember it. I'm actually glad I'm working this evening. I'd rather go to work and make a days pay than hop on the highway all the way down to Dover just to duck walk my bike for 3km and then get stuck in a sea of people. Sometimes my day off falls on Friday 13th, but when it does I go for a ride anywhere but Dover.
How many of you would go if it was wall-to-wall supersports?
How many of you would go if it was wall-to-wall supersports?
What happens there Sat the 14th?
Walking around Port Dover is probably the most exercise some of these people have received all year
Very much so.Pass, thanks.
And on that note, just watched the HA and RD going en masse on Upper James in Hamilton with their "traffic point" riders doing +/- 100 km/h down the centre double left lane to get ahead of the crowd and block intersections. Idiots.