little bugs/insects getting in to a full face helmet while riding.

a trick I picked up because it gets annoying peeling off the bugs with my glove while riding is to immediately turn your head sideways once the bugs splatter against your visor/helmet.

Thats good for the rain, but I did that before with a big bug and it just smeared across even more of my visor.
Been through that! Next day I bought a bottle of windex and paper towels and hooked it up to my luggage where I could quickly pull over and clean the shield when necessary..

Windex is bad for plastics, because of the ammonia. Dilute it with water, or find an ammonia-free cleaner :)
I had a bad bug experience on my first season of riding.. ever since I don't ride my helmet unless it has a "chin skirt"... also this year we seem to have way more bugs than normal, so when you hit the Wings restaurant this week, ask for a few extra wet-naps and put them in your pocket....
... also this year we seem to have way more bugs than normal,

Thanks to that abnormally mild winter, experts are suggesting we're gonna have a lot of bugs to contend with this summer (i.e. normally, population control occurs with cold winters).

Om nom nom nom indeed.
Was getting on the highway, doing about 110 and climbing with the visor up, when a wasp/bee hit me directly on my left eye. Freaked me out, and when I got home I saw all that bug juice on my helmet..lesson learned, anytime im doing 100+ the visor goes down.
I used to wear a bright flourescent yellow Icon Patrol and it was one hell of a bug magnet. I'd end up with bugs crawling up my neck into my helmet at a stop too, it drove me nuts! I even had a wasp strike on the chin of the helmet, and the poor dying wasp ended up inside the helm with parts of him on my neck. Flourescent might make you a little more visible (not really, bad drivers will always be bad) but they sure as hell make you SUPER visible to bugs.
Here is an Idea for a thread... _ " I Bugged you" add a picture of your helmet after a buggy ride!
Just don't wear a visor and accept that's what happens when you ride, no? And, please people..... don't let it freak you out! Keep in control and ignore it till you can safely pull over and clean up! Remember you know you're a biker when you can name bugs by flavor!
Cheers 8)
Was getting on the highway, doing about 110 and climbing with the visor up, when a wasp/bee hit me directly on my left eye. Freaked me out, and when I got home I saw all that bug juice on my helmet..lesson learned, anytime im doing 100+ the visor goes down.

Vaguely remember a story from someone else here, where that happened to them and they had to go to the ER to get bug parts cleaned out of their eyesocket. Sounded unpleasant!
never fails, even with a chin skirt i still get little bugs in my helmet, and 9 times out of 10 they end up flying into my eye :o
has anyone else experienced this? i think i snorted one and inhaled another. also a couple of bigger bugs splattered by the front vent (chin/mouth vents) and the freaking bug juice went thru. bitter. hahaha.

i think the smaller ones got in the same way, thru the mouth/chin vents.

i just thought i'd share.

ride safe.

this is normal ... what else is new ?
LOL damn, that's crazy, I've only had little bugs splat on my shield so far... I hope I don't get any Wasp in my helmet...
LOL damn, that's crazy, I've only had little bugs splat on my shield so far... I hope I don't get any Wasp in my helmet...

Your turn is coming! Lol.

I once had a dragonfly end up in my mouth. Somehow I managed to not munch down on it and it flew out just as I got stopped (full face helmet with visor up). I do not have a big mouth :rolleyes:, just mouthy:lmao:.
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