A picture is worth a thousand words especially with a twin crank engine.

Top View

Front View

New bearing to be machined

Other side of new bearing.
When the bike was built, there were about 4 bearing sizes available: std, +.20, +.40 and +.60. These could and probably were reamed to size. The only bearing available today is +.100. it would not be possible to ream this much.
The diameter of the unfinished bearing is about 1.1" and the depth of the bearing is about 1.1"
All the equipment I have seen in basically automotive shops is unsuitable as the blocks they are working on have a flat reference plane on the bottom.

Top View

Front View

New bearing to be machined

Other side of new bearing.
When the bike was built, there were about 4 bearing sizes available: std, +.20, +.40 and +.60. These could and probably were reamed to size. The only bearing available today is +.100. it would not be possible to ream this much.
The diameter of the unfinished bearing is about 1.1" and the depth of the bearing is about 1.1"
All the equipment I have seen in basically automotive shops is unsuitable as the blocks they are working on have a flat reference plane on the bottom.