Let's get on with the bombing of Iran

Iranians are Persian and have a history of conflict with Arabs in the Middle East. So yeah, not the same thing at all.

And Syria is Iran's closest ally.
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I knew this was happening the minute USA started to attack IRAQ. The news claims it was to save Kuwait.
What really got me mad was when USA would start having parades about beating the IRAQI war machine.
What war machine??? The tanks, and equipment were over 20 years old and the men weren't even trained.

USA is now invading countries for they're oil and gold. When they start imploding the USD, they'll need as much gold/silver to back up the new currency. Don't believe me, watch this vid:

We Are Going To Kill The US Dollar says Obama Administration
Aren't they people from that area?


pardon my lack of a better reference, but if you have a better one, please post

Well they live in the same "area" as you say, but they get along as well as the Europeans did with each other, which is not at all because of cultural/religous differences. Aside from the obvious world wars, look at England and Ireland.

I am not going to quote wikiarticles, but Persians (Iran) and Arabs are different... maybe you should look it up more before you start pointing out their "problems".
...What war machine??? The tanks, and equipment were over 20 years old and the men weren't even trained...

Lets give credit where credit is due. The Iraqi army in 1991 was the 4th largest in the world. This distinguishing rank is not based on total number of foot soldiers, but instead active (not reserve) soldiers and total military spending.

They fielded the T-72 main battle tank which has the ability to knock out the M1 abram tank of the time. The real distinguishing difference between the two was what as called "first shot ability" which the Americans exploited by shooting on the run and using IR smoke screens that they had the electronics to see through. The T-72 was hardly obsolete.

Training and tactics are another story entirely. Using T-72 as dug in artilery was crazy. However they were fighting Iran for the longest time, so even though they didn't have proper tactics and training, they had battle hardened vets.
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Well they live in the same "area" as you say, but they get along as well as the Europeans did with each other, which is not at all because of cultural/religous differences. Aside from the obvious world wars, look at England and Ireland.

I am not going to quote wikiarticles, but Persians (Iran) and Arabs are different... maybe you should look it up more before you start pointing out their "problems".

Well, I must admit I don't have a thorough understanding of the people that live there.

I wasn't pointing out their problems per se. My point is if they work together, they would stand a better chance of defeating their enemies. Just my 2c
The issue is that their "enemies" are internal. This is a conflict about modernization, civil rights, and self determination made far more complicated by foreign interest in their natural resources.

Despite all our talk about protecting ourselves from terrorists. the biggest victims of muslim extremists are other muslims. In many Arab nations, the voices of the moderate majority are drowned out by extremists with guns.

In my view, the developed nations have a responsibilty to those people as human beings who have committed no crime other than to be born unlucky. That is why we support the voices of the moderate states ( eg:Jordan, Turkey, and even Saudi Arabia)
The issue is that their "enemies" are internal. This is a conflict about modernization, civil rights, and self determination made far more complicated by foreign interest in their natural resources.

Despite all our talk about protecting ourselves from terrorists. the biggest victims of muslim extremists are other muslims. In many Arab nations, the voices of the moderate majority are drowned out by extremists with guns.

In my view, the developed nations have a responsibilty to those people as human beings who have committed no crime other than to be born unlucky. That is why we support the voices of the moderate states ( eg:Jordan, Turkey, and even Saudi Arabia)

Well said...
the USA is a bully. They are no different then the mob. The mob fights for neighbourhoods and countries fight for the earth. Every goverment is a legalized mafia. They collect taxes on everything like the mafia collects protection money.

Countries make laws to keep a civil environment not to protect you but to continue making money off you.

The USA uses the following tactic: they dont want to appear to be the bully. So they create an outside threat of some sort and they try to bully the world by presenting themselves as the protector against the threat.

If anyone wants to hook up for beers i can tell you countless things. I have read countless articles

The bottom line is. 99% of the people in the world is good. The 1% is pure evil and they use tricks and tactics so evil that the 99% cannot imagine that such evil plans can be made. This in turn makes their denial Of their evil plots even easier.

Osama Bin laden used to eat sleep and party with cia agents for ten years when the cia disguised as afghan mujahaddin fought and beat russians. (you think the afghans could have beat the russians? It was the cia) Osama became a part of the CIA and was used as the "out side threat" after the russian cold war ended because there was no longer the communist threat

Thats why the usa did not find bin laden for years and supposedly killed him when people started bringin up many questions. Now its irans turn to be the bad guy.

The so called muslim threat replaced so called communist threat

They control everything and make us believe anything because we are programmed to believe and mostly because we are good people

Its an ugly world and it all about money power and greed
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