Let Me Know Your Thoughts?

Pipe bombs are strong and rigid and explosive containment devices (cargo containers on aircraft) are flexible and designed to expand with an explosion and absorb energy. If it was a proper explosive we’d see what the cyber turd would act as.

Has it been ascertained that it was a terrorist attack or maybe it was just an owner that got embarrassed and tried to cover up the fact he was driving this abomination?
Nobody knows the "why" yet, and that may be the toughest question of all to answer, with the people in the best position to answer it not being around to answer it.
Well, they didn't exactly use the strongest explosive available, either. There's a photo circulating of what was left in the bed of the truck: A gasoline can, a couple of Coleman camp-fuel cans, and random detritus which is presumably the leftovers of fireworks - which are designed to produce pretty sights and a little bit of noise, as opposed to actually blowing stuff up. It blew the tonneau cover off, and set the truck on fire.

If they had used a real explosive - like Timothy McVeigh used in Oklahoma City - there would be nothing left but shrapnel. And it would have blown out lots of windows in the adjacent building.
An American that spent a lot of time in the middle east told me he was wary of trucks parked on sidewalks. Suicide bombers like to get as close to the building as possible. The Tesla wasn't on the sidewalk.

Anyone want to plant a Trump false flag to get the New Year started. You're fired!

As Brian P says, patience. What they want you to take in is being established.
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