As others have said, if you have wishes to be met, put it in the note. Take X and equal split Y ways.
If a sibling named in the will pre deceases you, does thier share go to thier children? The language is important.
No matter how historically the family has gotten on well, don't assume it will always go that way. Money does funny things to people sometimes and it doesn't have to be a lot.
The executor gets to "bill" the estate for every fee associated with their duties. Watched brother bill for mileage driving to lawyer, funeral home, 340kms to the final cemetery to 'check' the plot, lunch on the way, a massage for stress. It was a lot of money, dont think 'sense of duty' applies to everybody.
These are real examples from people I'm close to
1. Dad has a house, gives son #1 the house to live in and moves into apt attached to daughters house. Son #1 rents the house from Dad for 26yrs on the understanding when Dad goes, he will get the house. Dad goes and mysteriously his sister cant find a will anywhere in dads apt. Son #1 has to buy out his sister and brother to keep the house, gets first mortgage at 54 having rented and done thousands of upgrades including an addition thinking he was getting it in the end. Lesson, know where the will is.
2. Family has 3 kids and a 260acre farm worth 4 million or so. Mom and Pop have some savings and investments, but not 4mil. The 'understanding' was everything would go three ways, 3 kids. Years go on and 2 kids move to the city for jobs and one son stays around and farms. The farms become modern and it becomes a Farms Ltd. Mom Dad and farm Son are shareholders, kid 2-3 are not named shareholders, Mom and Pop always assumed when they expired farm son would do the right thing for his brother and sister. SURPRISE! he was the lone shareholder, the corporate papers left it in his control, sorry bro and sis, and he then took a third of the investment and savings money from the estate. They dont talk much these days. Lesson, if you want it to happen, put it in writing
Tax implications are not that bad, its just a percentage and it was money you didn't have before somebody died so.......
Its very simple to spell out xyz gets abc and then there is no doubt. Making it easy for survivors is a gracious thing to do.