Legal Q about renting apartments/rooms.

Honestly, its because there is no way they can actually enforce it, unless you are parking in their space, its not clear to me how they would even know. ( for an apartment )

In any case, it probably is a good idea to just have a chat about it in the beginning. I doubt its a deal breaker for them.

Frankly, before I bought my place, I tended to fill in just my income line and minimal other information and always got the place. Thats all they care about really.

the one thing landlords needs to be when they start a fight with their tenant, is to be squeaky clean (do you know any landlord that is?).

Long story short, I am not sure its illegal, but I doubt any indivdual landlords have the muscle to actually enforce that kind of thing.

(I am talking about separate units tho. I would never consider a room in a house, in the context of a room in a house, the restriction seems much more reasonable - after all you wouldn't want a bunch of strangers in your house all the time, theft by itself is probably a big enough issue.)

GOTCHA sorta maybe.

In a different thread I asked if someone could waive their rights and you basically said yes sooooo if the landlord had a decent place at a very decent price and someone wanted it badly enough they could let the landlord do whatever he wanted. (Not criminal)

A client of mine, a decent sized commercial residential apartment, rented a unit out to a person who is subletting rooms to two other people. The owner figures it will take six months to a year to kick the tenent out but will do it. Breach of contract. NO subletting.

It's the thin edge of the wedge for him. One or two more people in the building doesn't seem like much but if all 200 suites did the same it would be a disaster.

I've heard of some nationalities who are not as space phobic as the western world sharing beds with workers on different shifts. Picture a 3 bedroom apartment with 2-3 bunk bed per room.

Trivial Tidbit: On a tour of historic Montomery's Inn the guide pointed out that in those days a traveller didn't rent a room or a bed but rather a space in a bed.

Back to the OP the landlord may have been burned by a system abuser and may think if he gives an inch you take a mile. How you convince him depends on how fixed he is on the rules. Unfortunately there are very educated system abusers out there that really burn people badly.

I personally knew one that seemed to be the nicest person in the world, well educated professional, charming, not bad looking but I know she and her SO took one home owner for over $18K in unpaid rent. Lies after lies.
It its not clear to me that those points are inconsistent.

But by all means, if your goal is to give me good reasons not to bother giving input. I guess you succeeded.

While the statement is still generally true that you can waive legal rights. I would never have given an absolute statement that you can waive your right to anything, there are many things that one can not contract to do or contract out of.

gotcha? seriously? what a dick move.
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Check out: Landlord and Tenant Act in Ontario. In favour of Tenants over Landlords...especially bad tenants.
Google: Tenant rights.
Good Luck
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ended up looking up the Residential Tenancies Act (2006) for Ontario, and got a better idea of what is and isn't legal.

found out that certain things are void such as no pet policies unless that specific pet is dangerous or causes a severe allergic reaction to other occupants... But that basically relates to the part of the act stating that a tenant can not affect the "reasonable enjoyment" of other tenants. Same rule goes for the Landlords.

Basically in my reading, if the living accommodations are shared with the landlord or members of their family (living accommodations meaning kitchen and bathroom) then it's sort of their word goes.
However, when those things aren't shared, then it's out the window. Considering that it isn't outrageous for people in a relationship to spend free time (weekends) together (some might call that reasonable enjoyment) and so long as it isn't affecting the "reasonable enjoyment" of others in the complex.

This here popped up:
103. (1) A landlord is entitled to compensation for the use and occupation of a rental unit by an unauthorized occupant of the unit. 2006, c. 17, s. 103 (1).
And we couldn't find a definition of the word occupant. So to me, that would be someone that uses that as a residence and has their furniture and effects in that location. Considering all I keep at her place is a travel size shampoo and body wash bottle, have another permanent residence that I am at 90% of the time over an hour away that I can't be considered an occupant.

This article also lists the "no overnight guests" clause as void, but couldn't find anything as clear cut as the no pets thing.

Not that I am one to lie to someone's face just to get what I want, and if someone says no pets then it's no pets as I can understand why that would be, but no overnight guests in a location where the living quarters are seperate from the rest of the home as in one of the ads she came across is infringement I would say.

But then, I'm probably totally wrong... I suck at this legal crap.

look, my general recommendation is that worrying about whats legal and what is not isn't really helpful.

That is really a discussion for sophisticated entities in commercial transactions, OR a situation where you are already in a fight and you need to know your rights.

in general, your interests are best served but not having a fight, and working out a deal. Keep in mind that you aren't in a dispute with an existing landlord, you are looking for a new one. Frankly, to basically ignore your landlord and have it in your back pocket (whether the law is on your side or not), isn't going to improve your quality of life. These types of transactions are based more on having a good personal relationship than what the law really is.

I would rather have a good guy as a landlord, even if he overreaches once in a while, and gives on others, because you guys are on good terms, than some dick that insists on every legal inch of his rights.
look, my general recommendation is that worrying about whats legal and what is not isn't really helpful.

That is really a discussion for sophisticated entities in commercial transactions, OR a situation where you are already in a fight and you need to know your rights.

in general, your interests are best served but not having a fight, and working out a deal. Keep in mind that you aren't in a dispute with an existing landlord, you are looking for a new one. Frankly, to basically ignore your landlord and have it in your back pocket (whether the law is on your side or not), isn't going to improve your quality of life. These types of transactions are based more on having a good personal relationship than what the law really is.

I would rather have a good guy as a landlord, even if he overreaches once in a while, and gives on others, because you guys are on good terms, than some dick that insists on every legal inch of his rights.

Yep totally agree there. I would rather she be in a place with no stress than in a place where she may be within her rights but has to deal with a crappy land lord. The no guest thing is a big issue for us though.
Just give full disclosure and see what happens. Its a good way to fish out the temperment of the landlord anyway. I would also "remind" the landlord that what he is asking for is ******** anyway and that he is luckly to have a tenant whose realistic situation is a couple weekends a month.
I would rather have a good guy as a landlord, even if he overreaches once in a while, and gives on others, because you guys are on good terms, than some dick that insists on every legal inch of his rights.

Similarly most landlords want the same in a tenant.
Similarly most landlords want the same in a tenant.

And even when blessed with such tenants, there's still the added stress level, especially if the landlord manages the property. I help manage a property and I also advocate for being upfront with the LL. The LL will only care about you not interfering with their (and other tenants') enjoyment of the property through noise, energy costs, too much extra garbage, taking up parking spots etc etc etc A reasonable LL will be cool with your situation. An unreasonable LL will have an empty unit sitting. This applies for separate units. If it's just renting a room, I'd put in a no overnight guests provision, as well. I wouldn't want a random dude sharing my occupied space.
rme, you could offer to pay a security deposit for yourself. That way your not just some john there for a one night stand. Your an actual person who gives a crap about the LL's property. Might make them happy enough to make an exception in your case.
LL are only entitled to first and last, not a security deposit.
rme, you could offer to pay a security deposit for yourself. That way your not just some john there for a one night stand. Your an actual person who gives a crap about the LL's property. Might make them happy enough to make an exception in your case.

In the act I went through last night, they are only entitled to first and last, and I don't feel like handing someone a hand full of untraceable cash that I stand a chance of never getting back.
So. the GF just threw up an ad on KIJIJI looking for a room/apartment.

One of the responses stated: "Would you like a 1 bedroom basement apartment with all utilities included? If you are flexible on ways to pay rent, send me a picture... Could be free."

I think that one isn't an option or there will be a blood bath at some point.
so. The gf just threw up an ad on kijiji looking for a room/apartment.

One of the responses stated: "would you like a 1 bedroom basement apartment with all utilities included? If you are flexible on ways to pay rent, send me a picture... Could be free."

i think that one isn't an option or there will be a blood bath at some point.

So. the GF just threw up an ad on KIJIJI looking for a room/apartment.

One of the responses stated: "Would you like a 1 bedroom basement apartment with all utilities included? If you are flexible on ways to pay rent, send me a picture... Could be free."

I think that one isn't an option or there will be a blood bath at some point.

For all we know the LL might be more interested in your picture :D
So. the GF just threw up an ad on KIJIJI looking for a room/apartment.

One of the responses stated: "Would you like a 1 bedroom basement apartment with all utilities included? If you are flexible on ways to pay rent, send me a picture... Could be free."

I think that one isn't an option or there will be a blood bath at some point.

Good response.
So. the GF just threw up an ad on KIJIJI looking for a room/apartment.

One of the responses stated: "Would you like a 1 bedroom basement apartment with all utilities included? If you are flexible on ways to pay rent, send me a picture... Could be free."

I think that one isn't an option or there will be a blood bath at some point.

Mike's apartment?

Sent from my Phone, dont judge the grammar
Sorry to go off in a tangent. Like other posted, I really think that the tenants have way too much rights.
It may be cruel, but where is the wrong if a landlord kicks out a tenant because heéshe can't pay? I understand that some may be in harsh situations, but it that the landlord's fault? And what about the tenants who are party animals? Can neighbors stand megabass thumpin after they returned from a hard days work? let alone after 10pm? There are some a**hole landlords out there but most are reasonable people who are trying their best to get by. If you are a tenant you obviously made some form of agreement with your landlord - IF YOU CAN'T PAY, YOU NEED TO GET OUT.
If you are a heavy drug user, party animal, or a deadbeat do the rest of the hard working people a favor: Move to Attawaspagat.
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