Left Hand Turner - Lesson Learned

To the OP: you said you passed a bus just before it happened? If it was a TTC bus they should have this all on their cameras. They had my whole accident (same scenario) on video. Worth asking them. Just tell them the time, date, and street.
Good luck and glad you're ok
Thanks for all the good wishes and great advice. About the road rash, i called it a rug burn, not road rash. Basically I have a loonie sized rug burn on my knee from rubbing on the inside of my Kevlar jeans. That's it. So I think I did well there. My jacket is scuffed up but luckily other than that nothing else.
Glad ur ok. but I agree as another member mentioned that this was also due to inexperience. This was a good lesson. Sometimes you just end up learning the hard way. It will only make you a better rider.

Riding a bike you need to be aware of not just what ur doing and what other motorists are doing, but also what they COULD be doing.... and to a much higher degree then when driving a car. U almost have to be able to see into the future in a sense :D

I have had countless incidents on the roads / hwy of drives doing stupid **** that i know an inexperienced rider would have had a way harder time avoiding. And the cars doing U-Turns in front of bikes, that has happened to me 3 times. very very dangerous situation. i avoided 2, and 1 I got so close to impact while leaning my bike to avoid the u-turning car, that my passenger foot peg smashed against the car's bumper, and flew of. I was inches away from getting my leg severed, and getting thrown of the bike, if not worse.

Bottom line is always ANTICIPATE the worst. dont trust anything on the road.
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