Leap year 2012, watch out guys

Hmmm stalkers... It all depends... Are they cute(female)? Or mass murderers? Lol

Edit: I looked before, couldn't figure out how & gave up :-/

I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?53uzvu
- Randy
No worries dude, you're stalkers are all cute

woops, i misread roasted's original post, i thought he posted some pic to make fun of mikbusa...

he looks good with his helmet off

(he's the one in the black jacket)

This is not a dating site :rolleyes:
I'm too poor and still in school 2 hours away, so you're safe N3WMAN

OLDEST trick in the book. He won't see it coming!
woops, i misread roasted's original post, i thought he posted some pic to make fun of mikbusa...

he looks good with his helmet off

I thought I'd already called dibs? Do I need to do the rest of your organizing instead?
can't a girl propose any day she wants?

Now a days I dont think it matters but some countries have some funny laws like they guys having to give us something back for the embarrasment if they turns us down.
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