I'm too poor and still in school 2 hours away, so you're safe N3WMAN
that must have been him when he was younger, mikbusa's filled out quite nicely since then and I didn't know he had the option for a girl friend... i'm gonna hog all the current pics of him though, sorry girls.
Haha you I like. Yeah that pic was of me when I was 17?18 maybe? I'm 23 ATM ^.^
I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?5z0wwf
- Randy
No worries dude, you're stalkers are all cuteHmmm stalkers... It all depends... Are they cute(female)? Or mass murderers? Lol
Edit: I looked before, couldn't figure out how & gave up :-/
I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?53uzvu
- Randy
......watch out Newman...can't a girl propose any day she wants?
woops, i misread roasted's original post, i thought he posted some pic to make fun of mikbusa...
he looks good with his helmet off
(he's the one in the black jacket)
I'm too poor and still in school 2 hours away, so you're safe N3WMAN
woops, i misread roasted's original post, i thought he posted some pic to make fun of mikbusa...
he looks good with his helmet off
can't a girl propose any day she wants?
I thought I'd already called dibs? Do I need to do the rest of your organizing instead?