Mad Mike
Well-known member
Union doesn’t have authority to stop it. That’s the part of the police services act that changes.Like that's ever going to happen - the union won't stand for it.
Union doesn’t have authority to stop it. That’s the part of the police services act that changes.Like that's ever going to happen - the union won't stand for it.
I caught that too @ ~ 3:43. Any legit reason?Chaos from Chicago.
"be quiet don't say a thing"
Probably the first thing that they taught her in the academy she sure didn't adsorb the lessons about taking cover tho.I caught that too @ ~ 3:43. Any legit reason?
It sheds new light on the killing of Bonnie and Clyde and the firepower used.
There would be a few possible reasons.Probably the first thing that they taught her in the academy she sure didn't adsorb the lessons about taking cover tho.
If transparency and accountability were a concern your points may be true.There would be a few possible reasons.
1 - It could result in incrimination for the officer.
2 - It might sound like they were "trying to get their story straight", giving the appearance of impropriety.
3 - There could be a mandate, from the department, that shooting incidents are not to be discussed, until involved officers can be properly debriefed.
I think #1 quite adequately covered your point.If transparency and accountability were a concern your points may be true.
Keep in mind that this is the Chicago P.D. and watch the clip the members involved they do not present as well trained professional law enforcement officers. They look like they run fast and loose period.
Video of yrp cop scrolling through phone with substantial periods of staring at it whole driving on the highway. Have no fear, the police are investigating themselves to ensure the use was appropriate. I don't know why they even bother pretending. At best, there will be a discussion about avoiding getting caught.
Anger after Ontario cop seen casually scrolling phone while driving at high speed
A video of an Ontario cop having some screen time with his phone while cruising at highway speeds is garnering much attention on social media this we…
Probably scrolling kijiji looking for someone selling a phone to rob.It's YRP. I'd settle for him being below the legal limit.
"He did it out of fear." they said. That's not a man showing fear. That's someone who is angry that he doesn't get to go hands-on so starts kicking, so that he can get his licks in. He didn't "lose $30K." He made a couple of hundred thousand that he didn't deserve.Video was released Friday. The ****** kicked him unconscious.
The video doesn’t show the build up. Nor does it show uniforms but rather what appears to be a gang of thugs.