Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Hmm. Sounds like a healthy well-balanced and emotionally stable individual. I'm glad we gave him a gun and pay him six figures to protect us. Any bets on him staying on payroll forever as the toll the job has taken on him over the last six years has affected his mental health?

Durham Regional Police say they were called to the McKinney Centre just after 8:30 a.m. on March 1 for a report of an indecent act.

Police allege a young female witnessed a man performing an indecent act while he stood outside his vehicle.

After being confronted by a witness, the man drove off at a high rate of speed through a nearby commercial parking lot, police said.

He was later located and was arrested.

Ryan Walters, 33, of Whitby, was charged with dangerous operation of a conveyance and indecent act in a public place. Police said he was released on an undertaking.

Toronto police confirmed Thursday that Walters, an officer of six years, was suspended with pay. He is based at 51 Division.
Of course, He will be paid for yrs till it's in court then he gets off because of stress related to job, I guess from the headlines he was trying to relief some stress until he got interrupted
Would really like to hear the other side on this one. First off ski masks? If that isn't the must suspicious looking headwear I don't know what is. They say no one knew they had a prop BB gun in the car, seems like someone saw it and reported. That many police do not show up and start waving guns around without cause. So if someone reported 5 guys with ski masks and a gun that looks real I would think the police go in hot rather then go in talking only to find out after they are bad guys. They all want to go home to their families at the end of the day. Their account could be entirely correct in their view, but I think in most things there are 2 sides to the story. In this case I would be very curious to know the whole story from the polices side as well. Can't speak for the guy who was treated differently, again it is one view and biased till all sides are heard. Could be just as they all stated it was and in that case very wrong and over reaction.
At least that wasn't our tax dollars. San Bernadino, California apparently.

In California they call those depressions in the road “dips.” There are used for water control during rains in dry areas. signs everywhere, “watch the dip”

if you bottom out or launch off a dip, you’re called a dipshit.

Pardon my French, but what the fcuk does he know about cultural attraction?
“Mr. Saunders’s intimate knowledge of the diverse communities in Toronto and across Ontario will bring important perspectives to the project, as well as a level of expertise that will help turn our vision for the site into a reality,” MacLeod said in a statement Friday.

Ford taking care of his buddies . I bet he runs in the next election .
One of the reasons why they should stop buying SUVs; they suck in pursuits. I suspect that a car would have bottomed out and kept going straight, rather than bouncing all over the place. Might have been wrecked in the process, but unlikely to have become such a danger to others.

The key to landing a jump is suspension travel.
They don't make road going cars designed to land jumps either.
A trophy truck IS designed to land jumps, and has 36-40" of suspension travel. A Crown Vic has 6" of suspension travel.

Other than fuel costs, SUVs make better police cars. Being taller, building a stiff body is cheaper and easier. More room inside, better visibility, better sight lines, bigger doors that swing further open, more storage for cop stuff... with all the aerodynamics of a brick.
In this instance the cop was an idiot for keeping his foot in it. The crash wasn't the SUV's fault.
The major technical criteria for the average police vehicle usually starts with an electrical system (specially alternator) that can support all the extra equipment and the ability of a 6 foot+, 200 lbs+ cop with all his gear on to get in and out of the front seat.
The key to landing a jump is suspension travel.
They don't make road going cars designed to land jumps either.
A trophy truck IS designed to land jumps, and has 36-40" of suspension travel. A Crown Vic has 6" of suspension travel.

Other than fuel costs, SUVs make better police cars. Being taller, building a stiff body is cheaper and easier. More room inside, better visibility, better sight lines, bigger doors that swing further open, more storage for cop stuff... with all the aerodynamics of a brick.
In this instance the cop was an idiot for keeping his foot in it. The crash wasn't the SUV's fault.
You clearly haven't watched enough Civic vs. SUV police chases.

$185,000 - You guys know the what the union dues are for Metro Toronto Police?
Unions are a very lucrative business. Their "job" is to extract as much money as possible from the employers and their members. I don't know about the TPS union, but I know of some where the union boss owns the union office space so their actual income is vastly higher than it appears at first glance. In that case, they have two employees (boss + reception) and 4000 sq ft.
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