Wow, the scientists have renamed the place, & didn't tell me.
Must adjust.
Macronesia, now Macaronesia Consists of :
The Azores, Madeira, Selvagems, Canaries & Cap Verde islands.
OK its 02 20 here in the Renamed area called Macaronesia.
I can cope with Macronesia, this new name sounds like some sort of Pasta dish.
Mebbe its time to up anchor & sail somewhere else.
Anyway, gona start with Steppenwolf Born to be Wild
Then some Sknrd : Sweet Home Alabama
Ok then lets jump to Chris Rea, Road to Hell.
Then we tone it down a bit, with the Commitments & Mustang Sally.
Ok time for a drink, and some Jimmy.. lets go for Voodoo Chile.
Anybody out there on the water ?
This one is for you: Maire Brennan . Against the Wind.
Speaking of Water, lets let Deep Purple put some smoke on it.
Anybody else rockin out there ?
Whatever !
[FONT="]Ride Safe & Have Fun.[/FONT]