Late night thread

Hawt. Anyway what's with the truly bizarre tanning obsession of Jersey Shore guidos?


I've heard this guy is there father,
not sure but i can see how one would think such things..

Hey cheaters! This is the "LATE NIGHT" thread!
Power nap time.
Happy New Year. Now get some sleep.

Just got back from a shin-dig.. many people from years gone past, seen again .. more things change, the more people stay the same. :confused:

Sorry, since the "shin-dig" was at my house, I could post earlier and put in a good word for all you bums to not keep the hosts up all night and the next day. Bedtime, I need to be somewhere else at 08:00.
Watching Sleepy Hollow with J. Depp.

I can't wait the regular television scheduling to resume. I'm tired of these movie marathons. blah!
We watched the hangover last night. The pictures finished at around 2 minutes to midnight. Tonight the wife is watching W.
Dr. Who marathon on today.

FML.. the past week... Star Trek/Star Wars/Dr. Who marathons.... BLAH!

It's okay to go through it once but they loop these things for a few days to cut down on their staff. The worst part?

This is on the SPACE CHANNEL! Which is premium, meaning I fn pay more for it!
Watched Blazing Saddles tonight (I'd never seen it and a friend recommended it) and it was self referencing, i've seen other Mel Brooks movies that were self referencing and wondered if all of Mel Brooks' movies were self referencing so I looked him up on Wiki... turns out I've seen a few of Mel Brooks movies with out realizing he was the man behind them (such as the elephant man, the fly)
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