Unless one of those driver's isn't as confident as you, gets spooked and veers into you accidently driving you into the car or curb beside you. At which point your 100% at fault in the eyes of your insurer. You may a skilled rider, and confident enough to do this, (safely at elast in your mind). The problem is MOST riders and MOST other road users aren't. If your bike is "heating up" that quickly while stopping for red lights, (you said filtering which is done at a red light, if you are doing this on the highway then it is lane splitting not filtering), then you need to get your bike checked out as this is not normal for a bike.in traffic i've had a couple people pull up beside me because they saw the space and decided that i can ride beside them. since then, in heavy amounts of traffic, i'll filter (while traffic is stopped and the bike is starting to heat up). most people don't even have their head up. and most are distracted. once i see the brake lights turning off, i'll merge and stay near the centre of the two lanes to make sure i can squeeze between 2 cars in case someone from behind doesn't stop.
i've had a rider pass me in my lane at slower speeds. didn't bother me. i knew he was there and what he was doing. he slowly pulled up beside me and then sped up as he passed me. if he rode beside me it'd be a different story.
You then said you stay close to the center line so you squeeze in between in case someone doesn't stop behind you. How is this even a concern in traffic which by your description is already stopped, (hence why your filtering)?