lane splitting and cagers honking

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Lane splitting is illegal - sure, we all get that. Even the people who are arguing the opposite, yes, they do get it too.
But it is time we consider the possibility that it is the righteous thing to do.

It should be legal, or at least tolerated. The traffic is off the hook in Toronto, and the city is going to hell because of it. Livability is way down. If everybody were riding motorcycles / scooters, this would be a better place. :love6:

Most people in other parts of Ontario will disagree, mostly because they have not seen or experience how bad the problem is in Toronto. And the problem is bad, and getting worse... In 5 years from now, we all are going to be lane splittin’ because of the intolerable congestion... mark my words
Filtered past the cop camped at east bound Lakeshore by the Humber this morning. No honks and no flashing lights.

PS Cops been on a bit of a blitz this week, at least on my routes, looks like they may be gearing up for the holidays, drunkies or first snow fall hijinks.

Keep your fairings and licence blemish free ;)
Lane splitting is illegal - sure, we all get that. Even the people who are arguing the opposite, yes, they do get it too.
But it is time we consider the possibility that it is the righteous thing to do.

It should be legal, or at least tolerated. The traffic is off the hook in Toronto, and the city is going to hell because of it. Livability is way down. If everybody were riding motorcycles / scooters, this would be a better place. :love6:

Most people in other parts of Ontario will disagree, mostly because they have not seen or experience how bad the problem is in Toronto. And the problem is bad, and getting worse... In 5 years from now, we all are going to be lane splittin’ because of the intolerable congestion... mark my words

That is like Montreal -- the urban planners who designed Montreal's roads/highways/bridges never foresaw like the idiots they were; Montreal being Canada's 2nd largest city. I wouldn't be surprised if the urban planners who designed Montreal's roads never even spoke english. If you ever seen the transport de Quebec news headlines on TV, the city wants to spend ~18-28 billion redesigning all the major highways (to be completed around 2040) <-- FAIL. -- I'll be in my 60s .....
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can someone just give me a straight answer to whether lane FILTERING is legal in Ontario?

Filtering - moving pass stopped cars before a stop light

just a YES or NO it's good, thanks
can someone just give me a straight answer to whether lane FILTERING is legal in Ontario?

Filtering - moving pass stopped cars before a stop light

just a YES or NO it's good, thanks

Here you go... In Ontario, Canada on December 2011

Lane Filtering:
Definition - moving passed stopped vehicles between them in a slow manner to get to the front at a red light.
Legality - ILLEGAL

Lane Splitting:
Definition - riding between two vehicles who are also moving by "splitting" them on the marked lines.
Legality - ILLEGAL

- Riding in the available tire track of a lane with parked cars by the curb, technically legal though a little dangerous.
- Riding in the left tire track around a car making a right hand turn, technically legal.

Additional notes...
- Riding your motorcycle in the bicycle lane = illegal
- Tim hortons coffee = terrible
- Neal Patrick Harris = awesome

Admins, if you feel this information is correct, please lock the thread and put it out of its misery. Thanks.
Riding in the left tire track around a car making a right hand turn, technically legal.

how do you figure that? as much as people do it, it is still technically "lane sharing" which is illegal.
- Neal Patrick Harris = awesome

Admins, if you feel this information is correct, please lock the thread and put it out of its misery. Thanks.

WINNING!! Now why is this thread not locked yet. It's not even the Legendary ;)
how do you figure that? as much as people do it, it is still technically "lane sharing" which is illegal.

So your saying a slower moving vehicle which turns out to the right, and a passing faster moving vehicle which turns out to the left of the lane (space permitting) to over take is illegal? You're certain all instances of sharing a lane are illegal? A car cannot share a lane with a bicycle? All lane sharing is illegal you say? Hmmmm.

Some people just find it easier to call everything illegal and claim authority.

Lock or delete this thing before it becomes illegal!
Here you go... In Ontario, Canada on December 2011

Lane Filtering:
Definition - moving passed stopped vehicles between them in a slow manner to get to the front at a red light.
Legality - ILLEGAL

Lane Splitting:
Definition - riding between two vehicles who are also moving by "splitting" them on the marked lines.
Legality - ILLEGAL

- Riding in the available tire track of a lane with parked cars by the curb, technically legal though a little dangerous.
- Riding in the left tire track around a car making a right hand turn, technically legal.

Additional notes...
- Riding your motorcycle in the bicycle lane = illegal
- Tim hortons coffee = terrible
- Neal Patrick Harris = awesome

Admins, if you feel this information is correct, please lock the thread and put it out of its misery. Thanks.

I agree.
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