I'd start recording all my calls with her...
That's the first thing I downloaded onto my phone after that conversation. Really wish I recorded that first phone call though.
johnp has it right. When my mother passed away my brother and I were co-executors. We opened a bank account and her residual investments went into it. Bills were paid out of it until the estate was settled.
Pay the rent to the estate or care of the executor etc. Make complaints to and take directions from the same. When the boss dies the employees don't take over the company even though they may have helped run it.
When the landlord was alive he pocketed the money. Now that he is dead it sounds like there's a grabfest for any loose cash. If the LL had mortgage life insurance the place will be free and clear so expect a flurry of moves to get you out to make a quick sale.
If they aren't the owner or the owners agent (Executor) they have no rights there. No right to tell you to fix things.
Send the rent to me. Until the courts system says otherwise I have as much a right as anyone. (OK I'm pushing it just a little)
Thanks man, I 'll do this starting with next month's rent cheque if I still plan to be here longer than 60 days. I really should've done this sooner. Before I take any action though, I'm trying to do some research to minimize the possibility of backfire. My landlord passed back in May and I don't know how long these things take. I'd like to get a copy of the estate records from the Probate Court (if it went to probate) so I can find out for certain if the house is in limbo and who the executor of the estate is (hopefully a third party). Anyone ever done this before?
Oh and I'd rather pay my rent cheques to you than these crazy b****es but I will go the estate route