Kove 450-RR

I generally agree that most of the stuff from China that you find on AliExpress and FleaBay is poor quality. But another exception is LS2. They've exploded on the marketplace in the last half-decade and you can find their helmets stocked in almost every motorcycle shop these days. That wouldn't happen if a shop had to deal with excessive warranty returns.

My wife has one of their dirt bike helmets and my buddy has their touring modular helmet, both are very good quality and hasn't crumbled to pieces over the years.
That's one way of looking at it. But why pick an arbitrary number 30? Because the first Kove finisher finished outside the Top 30?

Another way of looking at it is the number of high profile entrants who finished *behind* Kove.

Of 150 entrants, only 90 finished. And if you look at the final times of the Kove finishers vs all other competitors: +13 hours. That's a solid mid-to-upper level result against some big names who weren't just trying to finish, but win as well. And this was their first time out and they finished *ABOVE* well established names and machines.

Let's not diminish their feat. A lot of people in the know sat up and took notice.
While the exact number will move from race to race, there are those looking to finish and those looking to win. In a race like the Baja or DAKAR, being 2-3 hrs off the leader is racing -- being a few days back (Kove's best finish) is not.

If you're gonna race a machine, it will be stressed way, way, harder than one running just to finish.

China has the same opportunity to make headway into the high-performance markets as anyone. The challenges are great, and may not be achievable. When the Japanese entered the market, they leapfrogged the competition with technology, build quality, and innovation. If they used China's approach of cost reducing and copying -- all we would have is cheaper bikes that looked like a Harley's and BSAs.

The appeal of all Chinese goods is low cost. Can see how they do that if they have to up their quality and innovation, then pay for the care and feeding of a supported dealer network (spares, parts distribution, training, marketing).

My guess Kove will jump the shark, but not the competition.
CFMoto is the exception rather than the rule. They have been here a very long time selling mostly generators, ATVs and UTVs, with an aborted initial effort into 2-wheelers that ended around 5-6 years ago. There is an established dealer network, parts supply chain and most of all credibility. Hats off to them for doing it the right way.
CF Moto hasn't lit up the market in Ontario. They offer a bunch of bikes, quads and ATVs, but I think they mostly sell them to farmers - Ive never seen a CFMoto ATV in the wild.

I looked at them last year befor buying mine... they are nicely equipped and about $1000 less than the competition. But being $1000 less than a Japanese or American ATV isn't enough incentive. If I'm going into the woods outside the GTA, I'd like to know I can get parts and dealer support. Here's what you're looking at between Polaris and CF Moto.

So…. first off let me address the adverse discourse surrounding Chinese products for sale on this side of the Pacific; I fully understand the viewpoints expressed on here given our governments subservient relations with the CCP, given that, we are all motorcyclists with a passion for motorcycles. Now the good news; I was at the CFMoto dealership this morning and I am on the list for the 450ss, it will be on the dealers floor in 3 weeks at a price of $9700 with a full 5 year comprehensive warranty (kind of unbelievable). So to the naysayers never say never.
You can actually prove some points with your purchase. It would be nice if you could share your thoughts after you receive it and have it for a couple of months or so...
My guess is it will be like all the other powersports products that hit our shores from upstart Asian brands. .. a few weeks of fun, then sold a year later cheap on FB marketplace alongside the Konkers, Hyosungs, and Taos -- only requiring a fuel system and minor electrical repairs.

I really hope for better. Here a flashback read from 2009... could have been published yesterday.

So…. first off let me address the adverse discourse surrounding Chinese products for sale on this side of the Pacific; I fully understand the viewpoints expressed on here given our governments subservient relations with the CCP, given that, we are all motorcyclists with a passion for motorcycles. Now the good news; I was at the CFMoto dealership this morning and I am on the list for the 450ss, it will be on the dealers floor in 3 weeks at a price of $9700 with a full 5 year comprehensive warranty (kind of unbelievable). So to the naysayers never say never.
I assume that's an out-the-door price. A few hundred less than a Ninja400 with a 5yr warranty.

What was the compelling thing that made you choose CFmoto?
I assume that's an out-the-door price. A few hundred less than a Ninja400 with a 5yr warranty.

What was the compelling thing that made you choose CFmoto?
I haven’t bought it yet I’m just on the list, but the spare parts distribution is being handled by KTM in Austria shipped to all the Canadian CFMoto dealers, which makes good sense but; I have 6 KTM’s and I always seem to have something on back order at GP so that’s a little disconcerting, the 5 year comprehensive warranty is a good thing, touring the service area noting the lack of oil leaks on the older UTV’s and talking to the techs about the nature of the repairs is somewhat confidence inspiring, the fact that KTM has taken over quality control at the factory and finally all of the great reviews from across the pond. Ultimately I still have a fair amount of time to research the product.
I haven’t bought it yet I’m just on the list, but the spare parts distribution is being handled by KTM in Austria shipped to all the Canadian CFMoto dealers, which makes good sense but; I have 6 KTM’s and I always seem to have something on back order at GP so that’s a little disconcerting, the 5 year comprehensive warranty is a good thing, touring the service area noting the lack of oil leaks on the older UTV’s and talking to the techs about the nature of the repairs is somewhat confidence inspiring, the fact that KTM has taken over quality control at the factory and finally all of the great reviews from across the pond. Ultimately I still have a fair amount of time to research the product.
What compelled you to go "on the List"?
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