Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, Guelph Photo Tag

My wife was pulled over for the first time on her bike in front of this joint. Lucky it was RIDE, and, we're not brain doners.

We'll see how busy I am this week, no rush on hints lol.
Here is a closer shot
Blondie's Lunch.Inverhaugh,on the way to Elora.

New tag. This might be kinda tough.If you peeps need help...just ask.(for another pic that is ;) )
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I'd be in for a hint if nobody gets it soon. I want to get back in on the game! I just went through over 250 pictures of war memorials in Ontario trying to find this one.
Lots of views,but not even a comment.I made this too hard.Here's another pic to help.
Still no ideas? If you are a 9 to 5'r,and leave right after work.You'll be home right after the local news finishes.
If I had time to mount my faithful steed....
You'd be done.
If it doesn't rain tomorrow after work I will get it. Tied up at work last few days and couldn't get it.
I can only take so much poking from a guy who rides a leather couch...


It was a joint effort between Carder and I, one idiot to say "I dare you" the other idiot to say "Your on".

Yes, it was goddamned aweful out there. It dipped to 4c, winds were gusty up to 100kph, and most of the famers fields had 6" of standing water in them, as did my boots.


Yes, it's a crummy tag, so here's the first hint right off the bat, and i've got one to give it right away if no one can figure it out by the weekend.



Lol,the yellow sign wasn't on the building when Google was there.:p
I'm going up to the Beaver Valley this aft.You can have it Rocket.
When did you plan to leave, and when did you figure on being back?


Lol,the yellow sign wasn't on the building when Google was there.:p
I'm going up to the Beaver Valley this aft.You can have it Rocket.
Leaving at 11:00.Gotta be back by 5:00. Ya in?
Gotta pick up my wife by 4:30, which means being home to pickup the truck by 4-4:15. I'd hate to push that hard to get out and back in that time. Probably not.

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