wow I have no idea where most of these places are, I guess I dont get around enough
I don't either lol The tips are usually what helps me out.
That, and that's why I ride around with other GTAM members tagging.
Hopefully they're smarter than me!
Speaking of which, could the last few successful taggers post a Google Maps or something of where these places are? I'm curious where that bear is, I ran up and down what I thought was every road from New Hamburg to Wellesley that was possible :O
Ah hah, got it! But do I want to go that far just to play? Hmm. lol.
This tower is pretty easy to google I found.
A little disclaimer (and hint), you don't need to go where I did to take your picture. I went about 100 feet down a walking path to get it. Just take it from the road if you don't feel the need to get the cool shot.
Alright, wore my keyboard out with the google thing. No rain tomorrow (yeah), any hints?
I want a new tag to go after when I'm off work tomorrow so...
Google has some cool images of towers in Waterloo Region. :happy3:
I wish I saw earlier I would have gone and grabbed it.
Next tag!!! Should be easy you don't have to enter any forested trails.