Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, Guelph Photo Tag

Holy huge pic batman. lol

ya i know, any ideas on how i can get them smaller, i am trying to put up the new one but i can only get the huge pic to work

I was frustrated and irratated and just wanted to get the pic up before someone else did
ya i know, any ideas on how i can get them smaller, i am trying to put up the new one but i can only get the huge pic to work

I was frustrated and irratated and just wanted to get the pic up before someone else did

if you have an account with flickr, you can go to "all sizes" and select Medium or whatever floats your boat... but I see you're using Imageshack.. so you're on your own bud.. but seriously though, I don't take too kindly to HUGE pictures! :cool:
ya i know, any ideas on how i can get them smaller, i am trying to put up the new one but i can only get the huge pic to work

I was frustrated and irratated and just wanted to get the pic up before someone else did
Good tag.Colin (the owner) would have let you your bring your bike inside.They have a full service dept.+1 for imageshack.Now,go lube your chain foo!:p
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okay here ya go if you want it bigger i can do that, but i don't want Hyryze to cry waiting for the picture to load on his computer :D

I think most of you will already know this, but i just shot it to get the hell out of the rain.

if not just let me know i will put up a hint


okay here ya go if you want it bigger i can do that, but i don't want Hyryze to cry waiting for the picture to load on his computer :D

I think most of you will already know this, but i just shot it to get the hell out of the rain.

if not just let me know i will put up a hint

When you see the pic in that form with the size info at the bottom,click on it.It will then give you the full pic.Right click on that and select properties.Hilite the location,and cut and paste it into your post with the image tool.Now gotta look at your tag.Like i said,you guys are going for a ride!:cool:
Off topic: Going for a ride tomorrow for a couple hours.Icehouse and then up to the forks.Anyone?
Hook up at Timmies at Victoris and Lackner at 10:30ish.Maybe back to my place for a pepsi or iced tea after for a half hour or so.Gotta watch the end of the British Open ya know.:cool:

Damn i would love to go, but its kind of hard to ride with crutches, i popped my knee playing baseball Friday night.:(

I thought you were going to tag my spot on Friday, what happened nobody has got it yet, i didn't think it was that hard:D

I tried what you told me to load the picture, but it comes up with the huge picture when i do that, so i can only post up thumbnails
No replies for a ride this aft.I'll get out a bit later.Removed the other post.:)
No replies for a ride this aft.I'll get out a bit later.Removed the other post.:)

If i had seen you were riding to the forks this morn i would have come :(
someone help me!! i cannot upload the pictures. how the fack do I do this? even when i resize the image its keeps saying its too big. how do you make a pic less than 20kb? honestly?
someone help me!! i cannot upload the pictures. how the fack do I do this? even when i resize the image its keeps saying its too big. how do you make a pic less than 20kb? honestly?

Sign up for a free account at
Then upload the pic there.
Then, click image here and provide the direct link URL from photobucket.

Might as well sign up for it, we're going to be tagging all summer ;)
open a photo bucket account... cut and past from there... I use facebook to post them... then just copy and paste.
and your next challenge..... TIP: its no where near the last place lol
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Got it... U of W Research and Technology Park, off of Colombia..

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