Kitchener/Waterloo area, c u next trackday riders thread!

Bought my first track bike (picture was from about two weeks ago).

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2004 GSX-R 600. Been kept well. Nothing too special that's been added (digital gear indicator, frame sliders, strator covers, shorty levers, aftermarket rear-sets, steel-braided lines, brand-new Dunlop Q3's).

Winterized and battery tended, now it's the wait.

Ordered another set of fairings (armourbodies) as well as a blank / primed tank cover. Will be looking forward to painting them.

Another thing as well (and ironically you guys were just talking about it) is that it has GP shifting setup. Hopefully just changing around the link will revert it back to normal.

Other than new fairings (get rid of the plastic ones on it right now), I don't think I'll add anything else until I'm advanced enough for a suspension upgrade. But the focus is simply GETTING to the track! Will need to buy a hitch, trailer, tire warmers before the spring/summer starts.

Who knew this hobby would be so expensive? Ha!

Woo-hoo! Congrats on the bike! I'm sure you'll like the Q3's, though I'm not sure if they need tire warmers. I just use the big glowing ball in the sky as mine :D
Not sure if you saw the post a while back, but hotbodies has bodywork for 50% off right now. I also got a hitch on my car and am considering trying out GP shift. Are there any downsides to running GP shift on the street? Spring cant come soon enough!

Also they have bodywork which wont need painting which is nice, a set for the R6 cost me $400USD (+60 in shipping to Niagara falls, NY)
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Hey! Do you still plan on setting up a spray-booth in January / February?

I've got to paint my fairings. Going to be getting a paint gun + air compressor then all the materials come January / February.

No worries, I got all winter to sort things out!

On a side note, I'll be setting up a spray booth, probably in January/February some time, so if any of you have any fairings or parts that you want to paint let me know. We've got airlines running through the building so if you're more high-tech than rattle can, we can accommodate that.
It won't be a permanent thing, I'll only have it set up for a month or so - we will need the space in the warehouse again in the Spring. Also, this would be an after hours or weekend thing, not during regular business hours.

Also, came across these pump siphons....anyone want one?
Hey! Do you still plan on setting up a spray-booth in January / February?

I've got to paint my fairings. Going to be getting a paint gun + air compressor then all the materials come January / February.
Yep, still planning on getting that set up in mid-January and it will be coming down at the end of February.
The booth will have airlines running to it and we've got 4-5 paint guns. I haven't tested them so I don't know if or how well they work yet...
I'll put post something here when it's up and running.
What track are you guys gonna be riding this season? I'm debating on if I should get the GBM 3-day pass again or if I should try out some new tracks as well...
I'll be going to Calabogie and Shannonville for sure. Maybe Grand Bend depending on time off schedules...
I'll be going to Calabogie and Shannonville for sure. Maybe Grand Bend depending on time off schedules...
I think Calabogie and CTMP are out for me this year. I signed up for Phase 1-3 with Racer5 and will be doing a Dragon trip as well. All of that has really eaten into my track budget.
But hey, there's always next year, right?

I managed to get a spare set of wheels for the R6 for dirt cheap. The seller even told me the tires on it still have a lot of meat and should last me for the season.... Stock tires from his '05 .... that have a date code of '2105'
The 3 hour drive to Shannonville I could handle but 5 hours to Bogie... ouch
Do you usually go the night before?

Once you ride Bogie for a couple days in a row, the drive dosen't seem so bad. The track is that good.

What he said :)

Of course you sleep over the night before the track day. I guess you could leave at 2am to get there in time for sign in, tech and rider's meeting... :p
I think Calabogie and CTMP are out for me this year. I signed up for Phase 1-3 with Racer5 and will be doing a Dragon trip as well. All of that has really eaten into my track budget.
But hey, there's always next year, right?


I managed to get a spare set of wheels for the R6 for dirt cheap. The seller even told me the tires on it still have a lot of meat and should last me for the season.... Stock tires from his '05 .... that have a date code of '2105'

Perfect, those will be perfect for ice studs. ;)
I submitted the 3 day GBM pack to Paul, although haven't heard anything yet.

SMP will have their deal again this year, but I haven't seen a form for it yet. I asked Linda about it, waiting for her to get back to me. I also asked if they'd cap the weekend days they are running this year, since last year they ended up with a pile of ppl and 4 groups is a waste of time to drive that far. Fortunately they are doing a sat/sun this year, not just a single holiday which may help. Back to back days will make the drive worthwhile I think. I'm thinking 3 SMP, probably 2 mosport and hopefully get out to bogie, I'd really like to go. I keep saying that, but I'm hoping this year is the year. Hopefully the CBR lasts the season :) Fully rebuilt brakes, new fluid and brand new XRACs, so off to a good start.

Picked up some slicks from pro6 and a case of liquimoly to give a try. Some filters and we are good to go.
SMP said just fill out the regular form and state how many days you want for the pre-season deal ($135 in), not sure when it expires
Just putting the finishing touches on the paint booth. It'll be up and running by friday. If anyone wants to take advantage of it while it's up let me know. Only after-hours or on weekends.
This week I'll be available Friday 4:00pm - 8:00, Saturday any time after 10:00am to whenever, and Sunday afternoon - ? just not too late.
Next week any day is fine from about 4:00 - 7:00/8:00 or so.
Wow, looks really, really good! I was thinking of painting the track fairings but I'm not yet decided. Do you have a paint gun as well? Ie. I just need to buy paint?
Wow, looks really, really good! I was thinking of painting the track fairings but I'm not yet decided. Do you have a paint gun as well? Ie. I just need to buy paint?
The shop has 4 or 5 paint guns but I have no idea how old they are or if they even work. I think they were left by the buildings previous tenants, about 12 years ago... I'm leaving tomorrow for business and won't be back until Thursday night so I won't be able to test them any time soon. I'll try to remember on Friday and get back to you.
Hey Bip...
Have a paint gun you can use if yours aren't working properly (after testing of course - I suggest you figure out appropriate PSI beforehand as well).
Just be sure to clean it properly afterwards to ensure the needle doesn't get gummed up.
Hey Bip...
Have a paint gun you can use if yours aren't working properly (after testing of course - I suggest you figure out appropriate PSI beforehand as well).
Just be sure to clean it properly afterwards to ensure the needle doesn't get gummed up.
If one of the guns work, I'll give it a try, but I wasn't going to mess around with them for my stuff. I was to just rattle-can everything.... I already have the cans at work, so it'll be much easier, faster and cheaper.
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