12th? I think it is
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Depending on who else is going, weather will play a big factor for me as well. I'll probably decide a few days out though.I won't be registering for the 29th until I see what the weather is doing. I'll likely wait until Monday the 28th to decide.
I'll be in whatever color is for the track noobs!I'll be there August 29th and September 12th. Not from the KW area but more than happy to help you out, I will be running green probably. May ask to bump to yellow if I know the track layout or they run three groups.
Come on, who needs an exhaust anyways....lol!Took the bike apart yesturday. Thanks to BigEvil for holding the blow tourch while I convinced the subframe back in place. Throttle cable is good enough for one more day and will get replaced this winter. The clutch crankcase cover will get JB welded for now. Subframe needs a weld, but should be ok. If the exhaust arrives in time, 29th is possible, although unlikely at this point with the speed of USPS. Here's hoping...
This sounds promising!Got the magnet on the kickstand sorted out, so it will keep running in gear instead of dying.
New rearset is installed. New fork has race spring swapped from old fork (had a slight depression from the lower triple so it needed to be replaced). Lower triple has steering stop fixed. Forks reinstalled - still out a little bit, but hopefully good enough. Will do a test ride around the block at some point soon to make sure it's not wandering all over the road. Started the fibreglass fixing today. Still have a bunch to go and will need to grab some bondo to rebuild a couple areas.
Brakes are done and the bike is all ready to go! So, who's still in for Tuesday?
Sebi and Bradsma, if you're still in can we arrange to pit close together? I just want to make sure I've got people to mooch off of when I need a hand! In exchange, I've got a massive generator that can run everything for all 3 of us, so I can provide power as needed.
Exhaust showed up! new clutch pin in. The bike looks a bit rough, but hopefully works. Just waiting for the gasket maker to dry. Tomorrow she'll get oil and a test run. If everything works mechanically, we'll be in for Tuesday. It's going to be a bit last minute for a call, but that's the way she goes sometimes.
We always pit in the "Kitchener" spot
Hopefully one of us will get there early and be able to show you. I made a little "X" to give you an idea
I tend to be an early riser, so getting there early shouldn't be an issue for me.
I haven't registered yet, was going to wait until I knew for sure who was going and that the weather would be ok. If everything is still looking good tomorrow or Saturday I'll register then.
I also like to get there early, I'm still trying to figure out how I'm going to get my bike there. I really don't want to have to ride the bike there again...
I'll be there, I typically pit on the same side as the Kitchener folks but closer to pit in and pit out. I am in my 30's but pee like an 80 year old so its a short walk to the port-a-potty lol. Typically Brian with the black CBR300 is next to me in that area. I have the ugly looking silver with blue strip SV650 and a red Honda pop up tent. Stop in and say high I'm typically relaxing there between sessions. If you are in green group we can do a session or two together if you'd like. Will be my 5th time out this year.