Kitchener/Waterloo area, c u next trackday riders thread!

Racer5 day was great. The DDT track is actually a lot of fun considering you never get past 3rd gear on a 600 class bike. Day was really hot, great traction and literally a few drops of rain is all.

Only real downside was a 1.5 hour ambulance delay when a rider in green crashed and broke his collar bone. Ended up taking the ambulance to the hospital instead of getting a friend to take him. Took about 30 min for the ambulance to leave, and an hour to get back. Track was down for that interval.

Couple of red riders dropped into yellow, but no yellow up to red as far as I could tell.
Guy on a matte olive green bike (can't recall his number or bike - maybe a gsxr) was the fastest guy by far (prob by 5 seconds over the red riders who dropped down) in yellow - could easily have moved to red I think.
It was nice meeting you Tim on Saturday..You should have came on the Sunday, there was only 4 of us in yellow to start the day. The matte green bike was a GSXR 1000, him and his buddies moved up too red Sunday, he had a little crash on the end of the front straight near the end of the day, not sure what happened but he was up and walking around in the pits, bike looked a like roughed up.

RDT was certainly a fun track!!

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Nice to meet you as well.
I'm uploading a video to YouTube now of the last session of the day on Saturday - don't know if I caught you on it though.
Saw the Uchi (green GSXR) crashed in the other thread. Too bad about that. Hopefully the bike wasn't banged up too badly. Couple people suggested I move to red group, but I didn't 'cause I figured that if Uchi and his one buddy on the red/black gsxr are in yellow that's probably where I belonged.

RDT is fun for sure - wish my bike had an extra 1000 rpm, as I was up near the rev limiter quite regularly.

EDIT - Here's the Video. First lap is slowish.. warm up and all.

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Ride notice.
Meet: 3pm. Kickstands up 3:15.
Location: Tim Horton's. Northfield and Weber.
Duration: 1.5-2 hours. Maybe out Conestoga Lake way.
Going to either go to Cayuga or Grand bend next Sunday

anyone going to either
anyone going to the bend on friday?
done for the season
Hey everyone, looking at buying some of this stuff for next year. This is what they use on Kenny Riedmans AMA race bike. With the 3M adhesive and shipping, its around $100/sheet or so, but the sheets are good sized:

PWC + Boating 40"x 62" Cut Diamond
Part Number: SHT40CD

Anyone interested in going halfers on one?
I posted the exact same idea of a buy a couple months back and nobody seemed interested.
Sent you an email already Randy - I'll go half with you. Need to redo the triumph anyways as the TechSpec pads are getting really hard and non-useful.

Other than that, put the bikes to bed yesterday. Oil and filter changes, fuel and stabilizer, up on stands, battery tenders hooked up (but not plugged in yet).. covered up nicely. Sad sad day... boo. :-(
Using that stuff for tank grip? No thanks, I'm good. I've got TechSpec Snake Skin on the FZ and High Fusion and some Snake Skin on the ZX.
Just reread what I said, and I think it came out wrong. I didn't mean "no thanks" as in it's a bad idea, just that I don't need any.
Using that stuff for tank grip? No thanks, I'm good. I've got TechSpec Snake Skin on the FZ and High Fusion and some Snake Skin on the ZX.

My TechSpec stuff is on the way out. The rubber has just hardened too much with age (had it on for 1 year on the Buell and 2 on the Daytona).

Have the Hydroturf on the saddle of the Daytona super bike tail, and it's amazing. I used to slide around on the GSXr's tail pad. No more with this stuff.
sure, we can give it a go. The stuff on the RC8 seems decent. I have stompgrips on the CBR, but they dont seem grippy enough. I even had the techspecs repaced on the VFR due to delamination and the new ones dont seem that much better. Not impressed with them.
Hey guys, I have a quick question for you track guys. I'm due for a coolant flush on my R6, and I've been thinking about tracking it this coming summer. Should I run water and water wetter this season rather than switching between coolant and water? Or would it be a bad idea to run water and water wetter all summer?
no problems running water + water wetter all summer, I did it for many years. Just be sure to put coolant back in in the winter. I usually do 4 cycles to flush all of the coolant out.

A little trick to get the coolant out of the resevoir, use a bit of compressed air, make a seal around the fill hole, the air pressure will push all of the coolant out of the resevoir. Just make sure to have the overflow hose in a bucket. You don't need a lot of pressure.
Woohoo! That's awesome David. With the Water Wetter be sure to follow the directions for mixing amounts. Some people think it's too weak a mixture and go overboard, which is waste of money. Also, when flushing don't use the WW mix, just use the WW mix for the final fill. I have always used distilled water from the grocery store.
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