Doing my cabinets as we speak.
Were a dark brown/black triple painted/stained. Bought special sanding pads (10 pack) that are supposed to last 5x longer than a regular pad. I burned through 2 packages of discs. $50ish on discs alone, and 14-15 hours of sanding. 19 doors (2 sizes), 4 drawers.
Used Zinsser Bullseye primer. 2 coats. 2 coats of melamine paint for hard finish (7-10 days to achieve full hardness).
Lowers are done and look great. Uppers are sanded, and have primer on some. Limited space slows things down.
If you have the time and patience, go for it. If you don't, buy new or pay someone.
Exactly what was recommended to me. Thought I might try it on a few of the seldom used cabinet/drawers first as I dont have a lot of spare time and they could be out of commission for a few weeks without much complaining. After doing the math I realized I shouldnt even start it. Even if the first few came out looking great I knew, due to past experience and lack of space, I would become lazier and start taking short cuts that would lead to not so great results as I went along, just to get it done.
As with OP, just wanted a kitchen refresh 'on the cheap'. Fortunately, all the cabinets were 'standard' sizes available off the shelf at Home Depot. A few days to bring home the smaller ones myself, a couple of days to have the bigger ones delivered. Pulled the laminate counter tops off, including sink, and laid them aside then pulled out the old cabinets, all in a day (sink last). Installed the new ones over a weekend (sink first). Set the old counter top back on top and hooked up the sink and tap again. Started laying a new floor while the wife decided on new sink/tap/counter top. We only lost use of the kitchen for a day.
Ended up changing the layout (from L shaped to straight) opening up the kitchen, 50% more storage, tripled the drawers (each lower now has a drawer). If I remember right, approx. $3000 for cabinets, $800 for flooring, $200 for baseboards, $300 for sink (16 gauge double, 10" deep), $160 tap and $1300 for countertop installed, about $6000 all in and a week of work.
Yes, resurfacing may have been cheaper if I did it myself but I know how I am and I knew I wouldnt be happy with it (never mind how she would feel). Floor would have still needed to be redone and new countertop/sink/tap. I am happy with the results and, more importantly, she is too.
Edit: Forgot to mention, I now have a bunch of cabinets for the garage !! I am VERY happy with the results.