Kids learning to ride in the dirt?

Bring your son and wife to the Honda Rock the Red event next year. They can check out the free introductory Junior Red Riders program they have at the event (not sure if they will allow someone that age however). Your wife will be able to see how slow the kids are starting out, how tame the bikes are, and the great training they receive. This may make her more receptive to the idea.

They were at the atv show, but we didn't know that before going, and you need to register in advance. Wanted to set my 11 year old up. Trying to get him interested in motorcycles. Took some info so that we will be ready for next year.

Sweet! And the awesome mom award goes to... YZFoxxy! :)


Edit: It seems Tapatalk didn't quote SLaP
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Sweet! And the awesome mom award goes to... YZFoxxy! :icon_smile:
For sure, you'll definitely have to ring it out a bit to make sure it's in tip top shape!

Awww... Thanks for that! :D

We only get one childhood and it goes by way to quickly and I want his to be as awesome as possible. He's been round bikes since he was born so it's only natural that he loves them. Now that he is old enough I love that we can share this and do track days together!

My son just turned 3. Loves everything about my bike. Want to bring him to one of the courses. Wife is NOT on board with this. Any suggestions? (and yes, get rid of wife is a consideration ��)

Joe, you should try to convince your wife to come out with your little one to RJ's sometime next season. I have extra gear and she can take my bike for a spin and your little one is definitely welcome to try out the fifty!! Who knows... maybe she will fall in love with it as well! :)
Awww... Thanks for that! :D

We only get one childhood and it goes by way to quickly and I want his to be as awesome as possible. He's been round bikes since he was born so it's only natural that he loves them. Now that he is old enough I love that we can share this and do track days together!

Joe, you should try to convince your wife to come out with your little one to RJ's sometime next season. I have extra gear and she can take my bike for a spin and your little one is definitely welcome to try out the fifty!! Who knows... maybe she will fall in love with it as well! :)

You're not a real person are you?? That is one incredible offer. Thank you. I may just have to try and take you up on that.
You're not a real person are you?? That is one incredible offer. Thank you. I may just have to try and take you up on that.

Most definitely!! Anytime!!! :)

I know it can be intimidating and its an awesome thing to share with family. I know that if she understands it she will be more accepting of it.

Something to consider, Wednesdays at RJ's are super quiet during the day. If you guys could take the day off of work we can even get her on the track for a bit rather than just in the field! :)
For the youngun's Motopark really caters to young riders - they even have bikes with training wheels - !!!

It's a long drive but worth it....the confidence it gave my kid was astonishing and they have a ton of fun.


You can ride there without having off road plates and insurance.

They rent equipment and bikes.

It's also a thrill to watch the serious riders


Mechanic on site, small lunch counter....nice place ....good people.

Rock the Red is a good idea as well but making a family trek to Chatsworth may be even better.
Can someone post some advice on how to convince the wife and allow our four year old to do this. Some suggestions were posted. Very safety conscious and will probably think that dirt will lead to road riding and certain death.
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I don't have much advice Prospect. I simply told my wife I was buying the kids dirtbikes and I did. I didn't give her a choice.
my friends learned to ride a 50 with a rope tied to it, their mom stood in the center of a circle and spun around holding the rope. It was hilarious and it kept the kid from getting whisky throttle and taking off into the woods. If things started to get hairy, she would just pull on the rope and the bike would fall over (kid was wearing full gear and they were on the lawn in first gear, so no damage other than the circle worn into the lawn).
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