KIA engine recall - Fuel/oil leakage inspection .

If spark plug removal was necessary as a part of the recall, then the associated inspection and replacement if necessary would be part of the recall service. You brought the car in for recall work. Anything else beyond that, tell them to pound sand, unless it's reasonable, and $200 to change spark plugs is not reasonable.
About 15 bucks a plug and home mechanics say about 30 minutes.
what gas is she using?

I only use Shell Nitro premium in my vehicles. all over 100k on the clock, one with 300k, and one with 500k

I've never spent a dime on any kind of injector cleaning or premature spark plugs clean/replace (outside of regular service intervals) in all my years of owning these vehicles.
What ever is available . I doubt this has anything to do with any carbon or bad plugs . This was a straight taking advantage of an elderly person .
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