Kennedy Commons AllDay/EveryDay


Well-known member

Time: Anytime.
Admission: Always Free

Unlimited Posing...

Time: Anytime.
Admission: Always Free

Unlimited Posing...

I will try to ride over there if i ride in that area...

don't you think that is a little too much when you said "AllDay/EveryDay"... ha ha ha ha ha what's wrong with ya SON...!!!! ha ha ha ha :D just kidding POSER....

i will see you sometime there...

I'll be there as soon as I file off my chicken strips..
im gonna be there whenever my wife allows me to leave the house.
im gonna be there whenever my wife allows me to leave the house.

ha ha ha ha.... YES MAN...

btw... nice bike SON...

ok, thats gonna be my before pic, wait till you see my after.
Anyone in for a pose and coffee?
Im in. If anyone is still around. Ive got the bug tonight.:p
Looks like Wednesday for me, I need to find a babysitter this season.

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I was out with my buddy for an hour. Lots of Timmies. Was pretty cold though. I needed my fix. :p
I'm there tonight. 7:00pm for an hour or so.
Ill meet, but i dont get outta Karate until 7pm. Ill spin by and see if anyones there.:)
No question about that. Hope to see a couple guys there.
I will usually go for a ride afterward but at this point in the season it is a little tough to handle the cold after 9:00pm. Twisties and cold tires are not a good mix. Did you have any plans Shelly?
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