Kennedy Commons AllDay/EveryDay

Going to be there tonight for a coffee if there isn't any rain. Anyone else? 7:00 or so.
Gonna do docks Monday poolfest, then kc later.
When do people Usually meet up here? Lol I came by twice yesterday and here right now and no one in sight. Oh well
Dave i'm sorry man had to come right back home Whife called... sorry bro
No worries! Shane got came about 5 mins after my last post. Followed by Juan, Jamie, poser and a bunch of others. Now I know what time to actually head there lol.

Been a while, good to see you guys...
Dave i'm sorry man had to come right back home Whife called... sorry bro

Not apologise need it... he met me at KC, Jamie, Ghost, Shane and Poser was there... it was great to see you guys..!!!

for the other hand... i was exciting about the BBQ... but Ghost just reminded me about the BLOCL PARTY which is this weekend... Jamie suggested to do a "Lunch BBQ" ending at Blocko... but i believe we'll going to trash both... The BBQ and the Blocko... there is just one fun per day for me... and i believe for some of you... i was to have fun in my own BBQ..!!!! ride before it... and end my BBQ late night...!!!

Sooooooooo.... i will cancel the BBQ for this week... and probably we'll do it next weekend... i will guys keep you update about that..


We good for L&L tonight? Weather should hold up. I am 2'uping so no ramps for me.
What time does eveyone meet at kc for?

Mostly 7pm, but 7-9 is good time to show up, if no one there, chill, people will show, if you don't want to, go.

Main night there is Wednesday anytime after 8pm and you're good, you have to be able to posess a skill called posing.

If we are hype, later on we might head downtown Toronto.
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