Keep your dog on leash - don't be a dumbass!


Well-known member
I remember someone posted before they were "harassed" by the OSPCA cause they like to have their dog off leash with them well here is a good reason to have your dog on leash.

One of our idiot neighbours always keeps their little dog off leash. He's outside on the phone and leaves his dog off leash. Couple of times when I walked my Siberian Husky it came running upto us and it has been a confrontation every time. Once I got injured trying to keep their little dog away from mine.

Last week, the dog was off leash the owner was on his cell not paying attention. The dog came on our property and got under the gate at the front and our Husky killed the dog. It was very sad and tragic. The owner was freaking out and crying. I know he loved that dog, but he should know that there are some rules you should not break just because you think you know better than everyone else. Please don't be a dumbass and a dog owner.

Keep your dog on leash. I saw that dog while it was dying and it was very disturbing.

I spoke to the OSPCA and they said we have no liability. I didn't want the other owner to get charged as they wanted to press charges so I didn't file an official complaint.
That sucks.

I also have a Sib. I have a hard time picturing Austin killing anything but you never know. Some instincts are buried deep down inside.
Mine got aggressive towards smaller dogs and smaller critters after she turned 4. We take extra precautions to keep her away from small dogs. She's killed a couple of skunks and raccoons.

Sib huskies love to hunt.
Im so very sorry to hear this turned out that way. I love dogs, big little fuzzy whatever. I have labs, large and sociable, but they are 120lb canines. I watch them and they watch me, there are no bad dogs, just bad owners. I hope people learn from the op posting.
Mine is always on leash as she was a stray who clearly learned how tasty rabbits are. She has killed four in the backyard and I can't take the chance she'll catch a scent off leash. Sorry for your experience - sounds rough.
These people with their **** toys need to know that small barking annoying little ***** doesn't mean cute. It means that they know **** all about their dog and that their **** toy is more an ''alpha'' than they are. I have a huge rottie/gsd mix and i'm certain that any small dog that'll run towards us will meet their end. I wanted to buddy to be a nice guard dog and now everyone in my neighbourhood that walks pass our place knows how scary he can be within our property and without proper introduction...

I have a lot of respect for people who owns a large breed thats able to walk their dog with a slacked leash

edit: you should ask for their dogs passport and see if their shots are up to date. and if it's not, you should sue should anything go wrong with your dog. (scare tactic) ;)
These people with their **** toys need to know that small barking annoying little ***** doesn't mean cute. It means that they know **** all about their dog and that their **** toy is more an ''alpha'' than they are. I have a huge rottie/gsd mix and i'm certain that any small dog that'll run towards us will meet their end. I wanted to buddy to be a nice guard dog and now everyone in my neighbourhood that walks pass our place knows how scary he can be within our property and without proper introduction...

I have a lot of respect for people who owns a large breed thats able to walk their dog with a slacked leash

edit: you should ask for their dogs passport and see if their shots are up to date. and if it's not, you should sue should anything go wrong with your dog. (scare tactic) ;)

You're so badass
My father has some variant of husky and before his recent move his neighbour had a weird little sewer rat looking type dog. Got nothing against little dogs but these folks were not good dog owners, it liked to **** on my dad's lawn, would yap at us any time we were outside, front yard or back. It also would roam free, which worried me about a similar scenario. I wouldn't call my dad's dog aggressive (he would shrug off most dogs that came up to him on walks), but I would call him ultra territorial. If it had ever gotten past my dad's fence (doable) it would have been over pretty quick.

Interesting to hear about what the OSPCA said, but I wouldn't want to test it out. It doesn't seem to take much for your own dog to be "destroyed"
I say dumbass little dog. How are you gonna mess with a husky
These little dogs do not know their limits. It appears that when they were bred their size diminished but their mentality didn't.

I was once walking my Rottweiler on public Street. My dogs are pretty well behaved on public property. I've never taught any of them that, but they have always known what's their's & what's not. I always get little runts barking at my rottie, but this time a little rut came charging at my rottie. My rottie didn't even gave eye contact but snapped his neck at it. I swear it would've killed it in one blow but it squealed & run away.

I realized the way most people trained their dogs is a reflection of how they would raise their kids
Id say its a dog size thing, so many little dogs can just be picked up so the owners figure picking up yappy is a solution. But it only works when there is a person to pick up yappy. I don't know if there kids are rotten also, as long as the kid doesn't run under my lab and bite at his legs I'm good with it.
People just don't get the leash law thing. I see dogs off leash in the downtown core all the time. Not too long ago I saw some moron walking his little dog, off leash, and it went up to a homeless guy's boxer, and started yapping and jumping at it. The homeless guy had his dog on a leash. Idiot boy tells the homeless guy to 'control his animal.'

One time I was riding my bicycle around the neighborhood and this russian family let their dog off the leash. As i was riding past i see him run in the middle of the road and get hit by a Mercedes who appeared tk be going the speed limit.

The russian dad starts yelling at the kid and i start yelling at him for being an idiot for letting his dog off the leash. Then their annoying little brat of a teenage daughter yells at me as if she has a clue how the world works and i laughed in her face. They wanted to call the police on him, and when i ended up staying they threw a hissy fit and went inside. Left the dog on the road, so we moved it to the curb and i put one of my sports bags over it.

Another time when i was maybe in grade 5, i was riding my skateboard home from school and this dog was chasing me and it scared the **** out of me because i didnt know what kind of dog it was. Hell it could have been one of those dogs from Call of Duty World at War or one of the dogs from Resident Evil so i didnt want to take any chances. I fell off my skateboard trying to get away and luckily it was some harmless dog that ended up running past me

Another time i was riding my bicycle through the trails ripped out of my mind and i turn the corner to see a husky with no owner. I almost shat myself given my altered state but it wasnt as bad of an experience as the other 2

TLDR; keep your dogs on leashes, it doesnt do any one any good.
Too bad to the little dog, they're always annoying.
Nice Husky
We've always had serious dogs (Shepherd, Doberman, Rottweiler, Mastiff) and always, always, always on a lead in public. And yup, it's always been some pocket-dog off-lead that approaches with aggression and the airhead owner who thinks it's cute. I would never intentionally hurt an animal (unless to protect me and mine) but the temptation to unhook our dog is pretty big sometimes.
I don't own a dog altho I do see them around. Most are on leash, some are not. Those are the only two options I'm aware of, not exactly a plethora. Altho the subject matter seems rather dry I've been following this thread with some vigour and I'm seeing "off" as the least ideal choice. I will mention it to people where appropriate.
I'm less concerned with on/off leash and more concerned about stupid dog owners. I have been attacked by shepherds twice (both unprovoked, one dragged me off a bicycle while I was riding by, one was my aunts dog) and chased once (while on a public road). In each case, the owner said it wasn't the dogs fault and I had done something to provoke it. The owner of the dogs that chased me was screaming at me because his dog almost got hit by a car while chasing me and that was somehow my fault. My aunts dog ran down and attacked another person before they had it put down.

The law should be like driverless cars, you are responsible for the animal. If your dog does something to cause injury and you haven't done everything possible to prevent it, you get charged as if you did it yourself. If your dog gets injured because of something that could have been prevented, you get charged (similar to child endangerment). Link would be fine as he had made a reasonable effort to create a safe situation. This gets rid of the stupid muzzle law or restriction by breed. You are responsible, if your dog is bitey, use a muzzle, if you are the dog whisperer, don't.
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