Kathleen Wynne - What will be her Legacy?

The results achieved speak for themselves. NO MORE SMOG! **** the price tag. It's worth it. You didn't include how many lives saved, how much less money spent on hospital visits, etc.
No, the price tag wasn't worth it. First, a large portion of the smog southern Ontario faced 10 years ago was from the USA. EPA mandated reductions + cleaner cars and trucks + electricity conservation + Ontario plant upgrades and closures yielded no-smog days at no cost to the province. That's about $170billion less than the path that Ontario Liberals chose.

For those of you who remember smog days, the biggest chunk came from cars and trucks. I'll never forget the sight of that nicotine colored corona hovering over the 401 -- you could see it as your crossed the ridge of the moraine heading south on the 400 or 404.
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No, the price tag wasn't worth it. First, a large portion of the smog southern Ontario faced 10 years ago was from the USA. EPA mandated reductions + cleaner cars and trucks + electricity conservation + Ontario plant upgrades and closures yielded no-smog days at no cost to the province. That's about $170billion less than the path that Ontario Liberals chose.

For those of you who remember smog days, the biggest chunk came from cars and trucks. I'll never forget the sight of that nicotine colored corona hovering over the 401 -- you could see it as your crossed the ridge of the moraine heading south on the 400 or 404.

You are wrong. Vehicle traffic plays a role in air pollution, but it pales in comparison to coal emissions from power plants. I find it hard to believe that even you could argue that shuttering Nanticoke provided no benefits to our quality of air. There is a direct correlation of reduced smog days corresponding to the shuttering of coal power plants in Ontario over time. The USA didn't clean up our air, we did. But I guess we'll find out who's right as Trump is actively repealing all of those EPA mandated reductions.

You are wrong. Vehicle traffic plays a role in air pollution, but it pales in comparison to coal emissions from power plants. I find it hard to believe that even you could argue that shuttering Nanticoke provided no benefits to our quality of air. There is a direct correlation of reduced smog days corresponding to the shuttering of coal power plants in Ontario over time. ...
Wrong about what? I never argued to keep Nanticoke -- you just made that statement up out of thin air! ...Kathleen?

The point is, if you care to re-read it, science and industry all told Wynne there cost effective ways, even no-net-cost ways to reach their goals. The politicized the decision making, cast the experts aside and did what they wanted. It's hard to find anyone who disputes they wasted $170B along the way.
For me personally, it will be that my kid's have needed math tutoring in high school, even though they're not going into Engineering.
Many of the parents at the school are Engineers, some of their kids are taking tutoring twice a week, at $50 a crack, and some kids are taking math separately at a private school.
For me personally, it will be that my kid's have needed math tutoring in high school, even though they're not going into Engineering.
Many of the parents at the school are Engineers, some of their kids are taking tutoring twice a week, at $50 a crack, and some kids are taking math separately at a private school.
My kids are done school so I'm out of touch with the curriculum. My brother in law is a teacher, at a family get together last summer he told me they don't teach times tables any more. I called bulls%$t.

He lined up the 16 kids running around at the party, aged 13 to 23. 7 kids born 1996 and earlier could do times tables up to 12,kids born after 96 could not do times tables in their heads - I was flabbergasted.

We're not talking complex math, this is arithmetic!
He makes good popcorn!

A common mistake. She is actually his evil twin stepsister.

Wrong about what? I never argued to keep Nanticoke -- you just made that statement up out of thin air! ...Kathleen?

The point is, if you care to re-read it, science and industry all told Wynne there cost effective ways, even no-net-cost ways to reach their goals. The politicized the decision making, cast the experts aside and did what they wanted. It's hard to find anyone who disputes they wasted $170B along the way.

You keep suggesting that Ontario could have become smog day free without removing coal powered generating plants. That is just plain wrong. You've gone further suggesting that there was consensus among science and industry that there were other ways of achieving their goals. Again, this is wrong. The coal lobby certainly tried very hard to make anyone who would listen think that. The NGO's sided with the province with the backing of science. Coal is dirty, there is no getting away from that. It took political will to get rid of the coal power plants. The greater good is that we now have cleaner air.
My kids are done school so I'm out of touch with the curriculum. My brother in law is a teacher, at a family get together last summer he told me they don't teach times tables any more. I called bulls%$t.

He lined up the 16 kids running around at the party, aged 13 to 23. 7 kids born 1996 and earlier could do times tables up to 12,kids born after 96 could not do times tables in their heads - I was flabbergasted.

We're not talking complex math, this is arithmetic!

On the other hand the young ones could probably name over 20 genders.
--She was Ontario's first woman premier.
--The first gay premier
--she made some good labour law improvements.
--she was dishonest about cheating the taxpayers
--she was part of the worst Hydro corruption scandal in the history of the province
--she is responsible for the highest debtor government in Canadian history
--she made costly and ineffective environmental policies

She did a few good things, but was way offset by the reckless spending and preachy arrogant politically correct policies. Goodbye. Good riddance.
You know, this thread reminded me that Kathleen did actually do some things that I don't hate*. However, the implication that Ontario is going to vote in anyone but Liberals again is amusing

*If anyone knows something respectable McGuinty did, keep it to yourself
My kids are done school so I'm out of touch with the curriculum. My brother in law is a teacher, at a family get together last summer he told me they don't teach times tables any more. I called bulls%$t.

He lined up the 16 kids running around at the party, aged 13 to 23. 7 kids born 1996 and earlier could do times tables up to 12,kids born after 96 could not do times tables in their heads - I was flabbergasted.

We're not talking complex math, this is arithmetic!

My kids aren't that bad at arithmetic. They had a pretty good early school and are born after '96.
High school is good too, but if the Math curriculum segments were laid out on a chessboard, and you'd normally go left to right, top to bottom, they'd instead go top to bottom, left to right.
Easy, she got rid of the dirty coal generating plants and now we have no more smog days.

Not sure if this comment is for real but this is genuinely Wynne’s legacy for me. In early 2000s we had weeks of smog advisory days in Toronto in the summer. Literally day after day in July/Aug. it was awful. Now, hardly ever happens. That was her government’s policy - no question. I’ll pay more tax for more of that. Take my money.

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My kids are done school so I'm out of touch with the curriculum. My brother in law is a teacher, at a family get together last summer he told me they don't teach times tables any more. I called bulls%$t.

He lined up the 16 kids running around at the party, aged 13 to 23. 7 kids born 1996 and earlier could do times tables up to 12,kids born after 96 could not do times tables in their heads - I was flabbergasted.

We're not talking complex math, this is arithmetic!

I think in India they went to 25 X 25 but that was a while ago.

Funny story. I was on some joint calls with a younger guy and I dazzled him with grade 9 math on the first job. On the next call he wanted to get into a economics discussion with the head of economics of some university.
Not sure if this comment is for real but this is genuinely Wynne’s legacy for me. In early 2000s we had weeks of smog advisory days in Toronto in the summer. Literally day after day in July/Aug. it was awful. Now, hardly ever happens. That was her government’s policy - no question. I’ll pay more tax for more of that. Take my money.
You're gonna pay $170billion for the way Wynne and co tackled the problem. That's about $170b more than experts say it should have cost.

Greater than 85% of Toronto's smog 2010 came from vehicular traffic, only 11% from electricity generation. Attrition of older card and trucks reduced smog gasses and particulates dramatically -- that's the main reason the air is cleaner. Closing the coal plants reduced this further -- do the math, coal fired generation made up a small portion of Toronto's smog - had vehicle emissions not dropped by 1/2 in the last 5 years, you would still have smog days -- even without the coal fired plants.

Of course dealing with coal emissions is a good idea, nobody has said that was a bad idea.
Luckily I’m pretty good at math so I can help teach my little monkeys.

What I do know of what’s being taught doesn’t make much sense to me.
That was more McGuinty.

Kathleen I'd say will be remembered for her commitment to transit infrastructure province-wide, her sex-ed curriculum, and minimum wage hikes. That is, until Doug tears those all down.

Agreed! Also establishing School of Mental Health ASSIST in every school board in the province. Before that there was nothing to support young people in school. How about free prescription meds for everyone under 25.
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