Kathleen Wynne’s Brave New Ontario!

Most of the loud opponents haven't even glanced at the curriculum.

Do you get the feeling that loud opponents don't want government intervention of any kind in this area so reading the curriculum might not be high on the list of priorities? How come people rail against government intervention in all areas but when it comes to life lessons for the children, oh ya, pawn it off on the government? What does that say about parents?
Do you get the feeling that loud opponents don't want government intervention of any kind in this area so reading the curriculum might not be high on the list of priorities? How come people rail against government intervention in all areas but when it comes to life lessons for the children, oh ya, pawn it off on the government? What does that say about parents?
well it's not like it's a new incursion. Sex ed has been around even before you went to school.. even with sex ed i had girl friends at school that ended up pregnant because they believed their boyfriends rather than what was taught. One friend's boyfriend was very upset with me when I told her pulling out wasn't effective and she could still get pregnant. he managed to convince i was wrong and when I was proven right she was expelled when she began to show (yay catholic school).
So is 60% still a passing grade? That'll getcha preggers.
Yeah, there's no such thing as 60% pregnant.
Yeah, there's no such thing as 60% pregnant.

This is Canada where a fail is a win and everybody gets a gold participation star. Sex Ed has been around for a very long time and out of wedlock preggy boom, std and aids post late '60s is just a minor inconvenience.
The Sex Ed curriculum is probably at the very bottom of my list for what I care about in this province.

I am more concerned about how many jobs the Ontario Pension Plan (OPP?) will drive elsewhere, the ever increasing energy costs, the continuation of the nanny state (lowering speed limits to 40kph), and the remaining existence of the Catholic School Board and The Beer Store.
The Sex Ed curriculum is probably at the very bottom of my list for what I care about in this province.

I am more concerned about how many jobs the Ontario Pension Plan (OPP?) will drive elsewhere, the ever increasing energy costs, the continuation of the nanny state (lowering speed limits to 40kph), and the remaining existence of the Catholic School Board and The Beer Store.

Are we agreeing that the catholic school board should be abolished? :)
Explain to me how you do that, do they have a decline box or do you just rip up the ballot and throw it in someones face?

You show up, register and when you go up to the table where the volunteers hand you your ballot, just tell them "I'd like to decline my ballot".. They say "ok", mark it and IIRC they do put it in a separate box. Whatever they do, it gets counted. Last elections showed a major upsurge in declined ballots. 1300% increase - over 30,000 Ontarians decided to make the effort to show up and say "I don't trust any of these bums".
While the anti-candidate didn’t score nearly enough votes to secure a seat in the provincial legislature, he or she (or it) still recorded a whopping 1,345-per-cent increase in support over the last election in 2011.

Compare that 13-fold gain to the Liberal showing, up barely a percentage point of popular vote despite achieving a majority of seats, or the Progressive Conservatives and New Democrat Party, both with declines.

As the slight majority of eligible Ontarians who actually voted will know, None of the Above was not actually a choice on the form they received at polling stations. But updated — though still unofficial — figures released by Elections Ontario show that 31,399 voters, or 0.64 per cent of all who participated, chose to formally decline their ballots, effectively declaring NOTA as their selection.

Compare that to 2011, when just 2,335 voters or 0.05 per cent declined their ballots.
The Sex Ed curriculum is probably at the very bottom of my list for what I care about in this province.

I am more concerned about how many jobs the Ontario Pension Plan (OPP?) will drive elsewhere, the ever increasing energy costs, the continuation of the nanny state (lowering speed limits to 40kph), and the remaining existence of the Catholic School Board and The Beer Store.

That's what makes it so galling, after their record in total including 172, they know better and force this. Even if it had complete merit (of which I'm not convinced) from a social engineering pov don't like their uppity attitude.
I don't see her as a fake.. We knew we were in for another few years of Libtard lunacy.. The bar was set pretty low... Just had to be less harmful to us than Harris.. Basically we chose pneumonia over ebola :cool:

Well, I declined my ballot at the poll and I urge every Ontarian who doesn't believe in any of the presented candidates to do the same come next provincial elections. At least we have that option in provincial elections and declined ballots get counted.

Can you refresh my memory with what was wrong with Harris?

I can remember something about a land deal up north, and people thinking that he was a doh head.
Ask nurses and teachers for starters.

Did he not win 2 majorities back to back? Yes, people are going to get hurt when cutting flab. Ask Bob Rae. Talk about white people problems.
Why not ask the other 99.9% of the population of Ontario. You'll get a far better representation of true statistics.

How about the Torontonians who got forced into amalgamating? Most of us from the outlying burbs were against it. Ask the Toronto-based taxpayer how much he loves the downloading. Ask every Ontarian how he feels about dumping billions upon billions into the 407 and just as it's about to start paying off the investment, he sells it off. Ask the average Ontario taxpayer how much money he blew on a highway to nowhere (his hometown).. Good riddance to bad rubbish. While having Wynne at the helm makes me sick to my stomach, it's still not nearly as bad as having Harris and his ilk running the show.
Ask every Ontarian how he feels about dumping billions upon billions into the 407 and just as it's about to start paying off the investment, he sells it off.

That's easily one of the biggest blunders in political history that's still biting us all in the *** today. So #1 reason on the Harris is a moron list is this for most people.
Luckily we got McGuinty soon after. So that worked out pretty good.
It's true. I have a friend who owns 18 quick service restaurants. He recently shut down two after the minimum wage increase. 32 jobs (22 full time and 10 part time) were lost. Minimum wage increase was good, but everything around him went up at the same time with it. His profitability shrank by 34% and he gave up on it. He wasn't making a lot of money there as they were lower volume stores, but he didn't mind it as it kept people employed. With OPP coming in and everything around him going up, he's selling half of his restaurants while he can. If he can't he'll have to start shutting more down. The government keeps downloading costs to businesses. While bigger corporations can absorb some of them smaller ones just shut down. Everyone will increase prices again.

My commute is getting worst every day as I go to Toronto and York region on a daily basis. The government isn't making things better. I don't see it getting better. It seems like all they care about is getting funding, making side deals, getting votes and making sure they have something after they exit politics.

We'll be crippled like America has been by politics.

The Sex Ed curriculum is probably at the very bottom of my list for what I care about in this province.

I am more concerned about how many jobs the Ontario Pension Plan (OPP?) will drive elsewhere, the ever increasing energy costs, the continuation of the nanny state (lowering speed limits to 40kph), and the remaining existence of the Catholic School Board and The Beer Store.
Luckily we got McGuinty soon after. So that worked out pretty good.

It's true. I have a friend who owns 18 quick service restaurants. He recently shut down two after the minimum wage increase. 32 jobs (22 full time and 10 part time) were lost. Minimum wage increase was good, but everything around him went up at the same time with it. His profitability shrank by 34% and he gave up on it. He wasn't making a lot of money there as they were lower volume stores, but he didn't mind it as it kept people employed. With OPP coming in and everything around him going up, he's selling half of his restaurants while he can. If he can't he'll have to start shutting more down. The government keeps downloading costs to businesses. While bigger corporations can absorb some of them smaller ones just shut down. Everyone will increase prices again.

My commute is getting worst every day as I go to Toronto and York region on a daily basis. The government isn't making things better. I don't see it getting better. It seems like all they care about is getting funding, making side deals, getting votes and making sure they have something after they exit politics.

We'll be crippled like America has been by politics.

That truly sucks.

I thought we brought in the HST to take some of the costs off businesses to keep people employed?
The Sex Ed curriculum is probably at the very bottom of my list for what I care about in this province.

I am more concerned about how many jobs the Ontario Pension Plan (OPP?) will drive elsewhere, the ever increasing energy costs, the continuation of the nanny state (lowering speed limits to 40kph), and the remaining existence of the Catholic School Board and The Beer Store.

correct, and so much more that gets swept under the carpet with new nonsense, thus taking/deflecting your eye off the current. its strategy and timing when they let something out in the media, its how time moves on and memories fade. nothing in politics is done accidentally, its completely calculated and intentional. as far as the "mike harris" replies earlier, when your rippin down the 407 next time, think about where the toll your paying is going??
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