K series Vee Belts


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The V belt on my cheapie but good running drill press is on its last legs but it is a K31, smaller than a 3L in cross section. No one seems to carry them.
I can find them on line but with stupid shipping costs. Does anyone know of a GTA source?
Motion Canada in Mississauga,

Motion Canada: Call the number and you get a USA Pick a number, 1 for this, 2 for that

Call the number for the place on Meyerside and you get the HR tape as it's only HQ

Click on their location button and it says nothing closer than Burnaby BC but Google maps show them all over the place.

Call the Hamilton number and get a human being that tells me they don't carry K belts but try Princess Auto. PA doesn't carry them. BTDT already.

This week isn't starting off well.
Motion is just about useless but does have these belts part # 05916523 optibelt

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Motion is just about useless but does have these belts part # 05916523 optibelt

Sent from a device using a program

Thanks Steve. I asked them over the phone for a K31 and was told they don't carry them but using your numbers I was able to order one on line from them for under $10.00. Fingers crossed.

If I had to account for my time it would be cheaper to scrap the press and buy a new one for $200.00 but that just so much goes against my grain.
Crazy talk time.... can you replace the pulleys to use a different (easier to find) belt? Sort of half way between anew press and a new belt.
Ever been to a Lee Valley brick and mortar? Shopping there requires a special sort of tenacity. Reminds me of Consumers Distributing from back in the day.
Crazy talk time.... can you replace the pulleys to use a different (easier to find) belt? Sort of half way between anew press and a new belt.

I thought about it but at some point one concedes defeat. Scuba Steve seems to have come through. I await delivery.

The wild goose chase is what really got me. If the store didn't have the part they would throw out the easiest name that came to mind just to get rid of me.

Sourcing parts is a major cost in repairing things in small quantities.
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Motion worked for me more then once for special hard to find items, but I am on Timberlea also so I just walked in to get what I needed

Had to buy a box 10 when I only needed one, but they had them...And for me loosing a day of production costs more then buying more then I needed
Is your drill press a brand that is still in business? why not just order one from the dealer?
Is your drill press a brand that is still in business? why not just order one from the dealer?

Motomaster from Crappy Tire obsolete model. Trying to get their part time staff interested in ordering something special is a waste of time. Scuba Steve came up with a part number and now Motion Canada has one, should have it next week by mail.
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