Justin Time

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Apparently, people have looked but none are forthcoming about the results. All I've heard is vague statements that he is. Feeling too lazy to look right now, so I'll assume he's not until something more concrete comes up.
There have been MZO's during covid that bypassed municipal approval and had some "interesting" design elements like storm water management ponds being constructed within environmentally protected lands. I'm not sure what the impact of the current kerfuffle will be.
If anyone wants to complain about what Doug Ford is doing, then they need to take a look at the way he's eroding protection for the Green Belt. Lots of his greedy developer friends are scheming to get their hands on it, and they just got some big changes.
I think you are seeing his election promises getting delivered. He promised to open Ontario for business, part of that is expediting proposals that are in the public interest.

Hard core environmental folks see any move or compromise as as major threat, as do some city councils. Often they just want to sit on their hands.

One of our challenges is deciding what is the right level overburden bureaucracy represents. Many of those MZOs have been in various bureaucratic quicksands for years, some over a decade. Decisions need to be made in a timely fashion — whether they be yes or no — and with the overall good of society having some standing in the decisions.

Here is an arial view of the 52 acre Pickering PWS (been a farm) that has been held up since 2010.

Remember these are almost all Wynne cronies. Most are riding out their terms and are not slated fir reappointment making of these public resignations ceremonial.

Think of how long Crombie has been in charge of developing a plan for the port lands (2001?) Ford pushed another MZO thro so the province could unlock some provincial owned lands for affordable housing.
Not really a surprise but still infuriating.

"The Royal Ottawa Golf Club, one of the country's most prominent private courses, has banked a $1-million surplus from its past season, thanks mostly to federal subsidies for workers' wages during the COVID-19 pandemic. "

" the club sought and received $1.019 million in federal wage support over the spring and summer, and as a result, ended its fiscal year with an $825,000 surplus in its operating fund "
In other news - looks like Joe has taken a Pfizer shot...wonder if JT will do the same?

Probably yes because he is all about self-preservation. No way in hell he will publicly admit it as that undermines his position as mayor of crazy town.


Woops, the comment above was meant for DT. JT will follow the same process, but also won't admit to getting it as he likes to pretend that friends and family are not placed above every other citizen.
It obviously won't happen as it makes too much sense but . . .


Have they figured out where JT was vacationing? There was some speculation he might be out of the country as well.
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