Mad Mike
Well-known member
That’s a study in entitlement spending. Once the genie is out, it take a lot to put him back in.Interesting chart below, back on federal politics. This excludes interest on the debt, just program spending... WW2 was what it was spending wise, after that....
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While individual governments cranked up the spending the next ones really didn't cut all that waste they promised or that they said was there.
Other than the Chretien Liberals of course. Mulroney looks to have flattened the curve which is not a bad thing but did he really do much, where were all the efficiencies compared to the immediate previous PET years (should have been a big drop????)? If we filter out the recession at the end of the PET years Mulroney didn't flatten it out all that much compared to the previous trend. If we filter out the 2008 recession Harper still actually increased spending, where was the gravy train then?
Junior is a chip off the old spending block so far....
Regardless, waste and inefficiencies don't seem to be stopping, left or right. The proverbial "gravy train" at best is just changing tracks.
wherever you see a flat spot, there were significant changes. Mulroney
I'll let one of your rightie buddies answer that for you
here's the result from MM's search link
nice to see that while he disagrees with me
he provides a link that supports my position
thanks man!
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