At $300 a pop, I think he can afford them. The penalty system they have setup is criminal. Was it set at confederation and they didnt bother with inflation?Maybe someone should setup a GoFundMe page for Morneau, there are probably a few more fines coming his way.
They're supposed to be politically shamed, and useless to the party afterwards, unfortunately, the party is shameless.At $300 a pop, I think he can afford them. The penalty system they have setup is criminal. Was it set at confederation and they didnt bother with inflation?
Yep.but even more embarrassed that my fellow countrymen voted this idiot back into power.
I didn't! Not the first time either (and yes, I have voted Liberal at times in the past)!As a Canadian I feel embarrassed by all the corruption, but even more embarrassed that my fellow countrymen voted this idiot back into power.
Feds grant quarantine exemption to American billionaire.
There are only five feds who can grant the exemption, and none would confirm that they were the one, citing privacy concerns.
JT wants the cloak of silence over everything his government touches. His whole shtick is carefully controlling what information is released and when it is released. He wants no light shone on anything unless he has the flashlight.Privacy concerns? Everything a govt employee does or says in regards work should be in the public domain unless classified for defence/military reasons. Is there no transparency at all in this corrupt system.
I guess the WE scandal has run it's course now eh? Morneau's gone, parliament's prorogued, We's shut down Canadian operations so, nothing more to see here? Let's just move along and wait for the next scandal to unfold
It's reminding me of when I had a skip in a vinyl record, back in the day. Had to listen to the same thing over and over and over again until someone intervened!
Billy Blair said no exemption was granted. The billionaire bluffed at the border and was successful.Feds grant quarantine exemption to American billionaire.
There are only five feds who can grant the exemption, and none would confirm that they were the one, citing privacy concerns.
I would expect if that were true, then they'd all be banned for life from entering the country. Otherwise, the feds will owe them one for taking the fall.Billy Blair said no exemption was granted. The billionaire bluffed at the border and was successful.
U.S. supply firm executives 'should not have been permitted' to enter Canada: Blair
Public Safety Minister Bill Blair says executives of an American supply company did not receive quarantine exemptions from the Canadian government and 'should not have been permitted' to enter the
Controversy buried. Blamed on a border agent.Blair is such a twit. "Oh uhh, yeah they shouldn't have done that". Suppose he gets back to us on which minister was responsible if it wasn't himself? Or is that another Liberal secret?