Justin Time

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He's like a dog licking his own balls and wondering why people are looking at him in disgust.

"Foreign Affairs Minister Francois-Philippe Champagne, who travelled by car to New York City on the weekend, will cast Canada's vote around mid-day."

In the middle of a pandemic, you send someone to the epicentre of the virus so they can vote? What a dbag. If the UN believes that countries need to physically be there to vote, that is a strong reason why the whole thing needs to be blown up, not supported. I wonder how many suitcases of money fpc had in his trunk?
So wait, they won't meet up in Parliament like the rest of those types of governments are doing.
Tell everyone to stay home, then camp out in the cottage, and do speeches from there.
They short-change the debate over the largest spending bill in the history of the country.
They have the Prime Minister attend a rally full of people without masks and not social distancing.
Close the border, but not block the crossing where the illegal refugee claimants have been crossing.
Then have someone drive across, to an in person vote in another country.

Something is seriously wrong.
good...maybe we can get on with actual important stuff now.
Phfff.. yeah right..He'll just adjust his physical appearance again, let's see hair-done, socks-done, beard-done, tie's it gonna be ties!
50 bucks says twinkletoes doubles down and commits billions to foreign aid to show he is not a sore loser.
Yep and then he will have the nerve to tell our wounded vets there isnt any money for them.
I bet in private he doesnt give a **** about our military, probably believes everything can be solved with dialog and hugs.
Here's a question. How can they still be handing out fines to people after this happened?
Did anyone hear more on the conversation between Singh and Bloc guy? All I can read from posts is that he did not support a bill and made a brushing off gesture.
Feels like a stretch calling someone racist because they don't agree with you... coming from a party leader too.
Not to mention our great leader has all but agreed without saying so.
Throwing someone else's money around to look cool?
Best would be if Parliament, decided to send the money elsewhere, and let him pay the fifty million out of his own pocket.
Throwing someone else's money around to look cool?
Best would be if Parliament, decided to send the money elsewhere, and let him pay the fifty million out of his own pocket.
Make JT pay. Seems only fair. We really should make him pay for the cluster that was an attempt at a UN security seat, but that bonfire vastly exceeded his resources. 50M seems like a fair slap to get the smirk off his face. moron.
Lets thank them for saving us a bunch. A seat at that table isn't free -- I can't imagine how many hands would be in Trudeau's pants during the financial hazing of the new guy.
I guess someone doesn't agree with Trudeau's stance on BLM.

So it's all well and fine to paint buzzword slogans on city streets, spray paint and deface city property and signs that perpetuate "racism", but paint the face of Truddys dad and hell, get the entire force on the case and get the city to clean it up ASAP!
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